Labour Trade Unionists
15 November 2016

Labour Housing spokesperson Jan O’Sullivan TD will today launch a Bill on rent certainty which will be introduced in the Dáil on Tuesday, and Senator Ged Nash will speak on the Seanad bill to be debated on Wednesday that will regulate uncertain hours.

They will be available to speak to reporters at 12pm on Tuesday 15th November on the Leinster House plinth.

Both of these Bills if passed would make a substantial difference for those renting, and those working in the low paid services sector.

Date: Tuesday 15th November 2016
Time: 12pm
Location: The Plinth, Leinster House.

Notes to Editors:

The Social and Affordable Housing Bill 2016 includes measures to address key issues including affordability and supply, soaring rents and tenants’ rights, the hoarding of land by developers, as well as clamping down on unregulated vulture funds operating here. It would link rent increases to the CPI rate of inflation.

The Protection of Employment (Uncertain Hours) Bill 2016 will be debated in the Seanad on Wednesday. It will address an evolving group of atypical and casual employment relationships in sectors such as hospitality, retail and the social care sector, to prevent casual, low paid and low quality jobs from becoming a permanent feature of our labour market.

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