Cup of coffee budget falls flat for Taoiseach
Reacting to the latest comments of the Taoiseach at a private Fine Gael fundraiser in an exclusive hotel in one of Dublin’s most expensive suburbs, Labour TD Alan Kelly has said:
“Two weeks on it’s clear that this cup of coffee budget has fallen flat with the public, leaving a bitter taste in the Taoiseach’s mouth as he lashed out last night at his failure to inspire the public.
“This Budget had no proposals to deliver affordable housing yet we hear predictions of rent increases of 20% in 2018. What use is an extra cup of coffee if you can’t afford to buy or rent a home? That’s what people want to see, not token gestures.
“Fine Gael have tried to buy the public with their own money instead of delivering the improvements in public services and affordable housing that the Irish people have said is needed.
“If you are constantly surrounded by people on high salaries and millionaire donors of course you will think tax cuts are what is needed when you have private healthcare and schools to pay for.
“With nine special advisors, along with a strategic communications unit staffed with even more public servants one would think the Taoiseach could come up with better retorts that ‘latte socialists’.
“People know this FG-FF Budget has delivered token tax cuts but done nothing to address the main problems they face in their day to day lives.
“This Budget had no commitment to implementing Sláintecare and addressing the record high public waiting lists in hospitals across Ireland.
“This Budget did nothing to address high childcare costs or reduce the cost of sending your children to school, no extension of the free GP care scheme or proposals to tackle traffic congestion.
“Ordinary people know what they got in this Budget is a cup of coffee a week, and the Taoiseach knows they heard that message loud and clear.”