Yes vote would make Ireland a more caring country

22 May 2018

Labour LGBT is calling on all in the LGBT community and beyond to vote yes to repeal the 8th Amendment next Friday, 25th May.

Co-chair of Labour LGBT Aoife Leahy commented:

“Next Friday every citizen 18 and over will have a once in a lifetime opportunity to make Ireland a more caring and compassionate country.

“Just three years ago we made history by making Ireland a more equal country for LGBT people. Now we need to come out for all those who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy so they can be cared for here, instead of continuing to export our problems elsewhere.”
Fellow co-chair Karl Hayden added:

“When marriage equality was being campaigned on in 2015 friends, family and supporters nationwide came out to support this regardless of whether it affected them. Not only should we in the LGBT community support this because it’s the right thing to do, it also affects many LGBT people directly and indirectly in a variety of ways. A yes vote would be one more big step towards equality for all in our country.

“It’s not too late to get out there and support the issue as we approach the final days. Whether it’s knocking on doors, handing out leaflets or simply having a conversation with an undecided friend or relative, it all counts. But more importantly, get out and vote yes next Friday – every single vote will count.”

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