Why is Morrissey Cervical Cancer case in court?
Labour Health spokesperson Alan Kelly has called on the Taoiseach, Minister for Health and State Claims Agency to explain why another woman impacted by the cervical cancer scandal has had to go to court, saying it is a disgrace and can’t happen again.
Deputy Kelly said:
“Another cervical cancer misdiagnosis case is in the High Court, despite reassurances from the Government that those impacted by this scandal would be treated with dignity, and through mediation in a non-confrontational way.
“The case of Ruth Morrissey is heartbreaking, but we need to hear an explanation from the Taoiseach, the Minister for Health and the State Claims Agency why a women who has been given a terminal diagnosis has had to go to court to seek redress.
“This is a disgrace, and can’t happen again. After what we have learnt from the distressing cases of Vicky Phelan and Emma Mhic MhathĂșna, I am at a loss as to why another family has had to go public and fight for decent treatment in the courts.
“Another woman has had to waive her anonymity with all the publicity that comes with that, while dealing with a terminal cancer diagnosis.
“Why is the State lawyering up again, and what are the State Claims Agency doing about it? We had been promised that these cases would be resolved without the need for a court hearing.
“The Taoiseach has said the State would seek to settle with the women through mediation and then take cases against the labs, but yet again we see the Government not keeping to the commitment’s it has made.”