FG Should Support Local Communities Fight Graffiti
Senator Humphreys has called for the reinstatement of the Community Graffiti Reduction Programme which ceased in 2009. The aims of the programme were to fund the removal of any graffiti within a public space or private property visible from public spaces and support small business by supplying graffiti removal kits.
Senator Humphreys said
“We can’t travel through cities like Dublin, Cork, Galway or Limerick without seeing the impact of graffiti makes in public spaces. We have to recognise the on-going work that local groups such as Tidy Town but local authorities must step up to the mark and support and give assistance to their efforts.
“This is an issue local groups cannot tackle on their own. What some view as a mere irritant, in my view is vandalism or criminal damage to householder’s property.
“We need to fund local groups in tackling the issue of graffiti. We need the Government to back local efforts to keep public spaces free from graffiti. Labour will continue to campaign for an immediate fund to help these communities as quickly as possible to restore pride in public and private spaces.”