Alan Kelly to announce intention to stand for Labour Leadership

17 February 2020

When: 12pm Midday, February 18th

Where:  The Board room, Buswells Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2

There will be an announcement and doorstep opportunity for journalists

Biography: Alan Kelly

Alan Kelly is from Portroe, Co. Tipperary, is married to Regina and has two children, Aoibhe & Senan.

He has been a Labour Party member since he was sixteen, is a former chair of Labour Youth and a party activist all his life

Following his election to the Seanad in 2007, he launched himself into the national political scene by fighting against all the odds to claim the final seat in a mammoth campaign in the European election for the Ireland South constituency, the first Labour MEP for the South in over thirty years.

He subsequently stood successfully in the Tipperary North constituency in the General Election of 2011 and was re-elected twice for Tipperary in 2016 and 2020.

In the last Dail, he was the party’s spokesperson on health and member of the Public Accounts Committee. He was recognised for his championing of the cause of the 221 group of women at the heart of the cervical check controversy.

He previously served as Minister for Housing, Community & Local Government and as Minister for State in the Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport with responsibility for Public Transport.

In 2014, he was elected Deputy Leader of the Labour Party with over 50% of the vote.

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