12pm LH – Labour to launch paid Sick Leave and Parental Leave Bill

Labour Trade Unionists
31 August 2020

Today at 12pm, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly TD, and Employment Affairs spokesperson Sen. Marie Sherlock will launch a significant new bill to provide paid statutory sick leave, and force majeure Covid-19 paid parental leave to address key issues brought to prominence by the pandemic.

Ireland is an outlier in Europe with no right to statutory sick leave unless it is included in a contract of employment, and it has been highlighted by NPHET and the acting Chief Medical Officer as a problem in controlling outbreaks.

The Labour Party is also proposing a new right to paid force majeure parental leave where a school or early years provider is forced to close due to a Covid-19 outbreak.

What: Launch of Labour’s Sick Leave and Parental Leave (Covid-19) Bill 2020 with Alan Kelly TD and Sen. Marie Sherlock.

When: 12pm, Tuesday 1st September.

Where: Leinster House plinth, Kildare Street.


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