North Quays project must be the catalyst for the rejuvenation of Waterford

10 November 2020


  • Govt were able to allocate €110 million to the project because it was designated an SDZ by Alan Kelly as Minister for the Environment

The North Quays project must be a catalyst for the rejuvenation of Waterford city according to Labour Leader Alan Kelly.

Deputy Kelly was speaking after it was announced that the Housing Minister announced the approval of €80.6m in Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) support for the Waterford North Quays project. This is in addition to €30 million having been committed by the Department of Transport, through the National Transport Authority.

Deputy Kelly said:

“This a good day for Waterford City and I would like to pay tribute to my Departmental colleague then Minister Paudie Coffey who worked with me to ensure that this area would receive SDZ zoning. I am delighted to see our foresight being rewarded by the Government who because of the SDZ can put €110 million into Waterford City.

“I know the massive preparatory work that’s gone into this proposal over many years and I am glad to have been able to steer through the SDZ designation for the site as Minister for the Environment.

“Waterford has struggled economically since the closure of the flagship Waterford Crystal factory in 2009 and this project is vital for the rejuvenation of the city and the South East. It is important that construction commences as soon as possible and along with the upgrading of W.I.T to University status, this project can drive economic growth in Waterford and the South East.

“Waterford quayside has massive potential and we say this when the city hosted the international Tall Ships’ Races in 2006 and 2011. This will be a transformative development, not just in terms of regenerating the derelict north wharf but in breathing new life into the existing city centre, with the Michael Street shopping centre project due to happen in tandem with the docklands scheme.


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