Justice Minister must ensure widespread operation of speed cameras this Bank Holiday weekend

03 February 2023

Labour transport spokesperson Duncan Smith has urged Minister Harris to ensure a widespread use of speed cameras across the country this Bank Holiday weekend.

Following the worst January on Irish roads in a decade, Deputy Smith reiterated the importance of caution while driving.

Deputy Smith said:

“January 2023 has been a very dark month for our roads. 18 lives were lost and I want to extend my most sincere sympathies to their families, friends and loved ones. It is a devastating blow for any community.

“We know that excessive speed is involved in many cases of road traffic death or injury. I am urging the Fine Gael Justice Minister to do everything possible to keep roads safe this Bank Holiday weekend through the widespread operation of speed cameras. We know that they act as a deterrent against speeding.

“Minister Ryan must also commit to addressing a range of outstanding road safety issues, including a review of speed signage and limits, particularly on country and rural roads where we know the majority of accidents occur.

“Bank holiday weekends are notorious for road accidents. I am urging caution from all drivers and action from Government. By slowing down we can reduce the likelihood of a crash, and the severity of injuries.”

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