Citizens’ Assembly conclusion an opportunity to change people’s lives

24 October 2023
  • Government must swiftly act on Assembly recommendations

Labour spokesperson on Justice, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, has today called on Government to advocate for the Citizens’ Assembly Report to go to Oireachtas Justice Committee in the life time of this Dáil.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:
“The Citizens’ Assembly has voted to adopt a health-led approach. This is a victory for compassion in society.

“In Labour, we believe that drugs and drug addiction should be treated as a health issue, not a criminal justice one. We believe that people who use drugs should be treated with respect and dignity, and that they should have access to the support and services they need.

“A health-led approach means treating people with respect and dignity, and providing them with the support and services they need. Only through taking a community led, health based approach can we offer a real solution to drug addiction that continues to cripple communities nationwide.

“I want to thank the members of the Citizens’ Assembly for their time and consideration.

“Once received, Government must send the report of the Citizens’ Assembly swiftly to the Joint-Oireachtas Committee. In the meantime, we need time to put more resources into addressing the root causes of drug addiction, so that we can help individuals and communities whose daily lives are blighted by drugs.”

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