More lives will be lost without injection centres

14 November 2023
  • Government must implement much-needed injection centres immediately 

Labour Justice spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD is once again calling on the Government to implement much-needed injection centres.

Deputy Ó Ríordáin said 

“There have been 54 overdoses since the HSE warning last week. Government, instead of running scared, urgently needs to get an injection centre up and running.  

“A mobile centre could work, but the requirement is immediate. Labour have long been calling for the establishment of supervised injection centres, which we know are a proven way to reduce drug-related deaths. 

“The statistics are a damning indictment of this failure of politics to face up to the drugs crisis that is affecting every corner of the country. We know injection centres are a harm reduction measure. Those who need these services deserve humane and compassionate treatment. 

“People are dying on our streets while Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil pretend it’s not happening. I’m calling on Hildegarde Naughton, Minister of State for Public Health, to implement injection centres immediately.”

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