Metrolink vital for future of Dublin

19 February 2024

Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Duncan Smith TD

Deputy Smith said
“The initiation of Metrolink Oral Hearings with An Bord Pleanala marks a pivotal moment for Dublin, but it comes after far too long a wait. The Government’s procrastination has only exacerbated the challenges faced by our city and its residents. We cannot afford to delay any longer. Metrolink is a pro climate, pro economy, anti-congestion project which will be transformative for our city.

“By providing sustainable travel options, reducing congestion, and curbing air pollution, Metrolink will significantly improve the quality of life for residents in North County Dublin and beyond. It’s time to bring Ireland’s transportation infrastructure into the 21st century.

“As we embark on the first oral hearing for the proposed Metrolink, I urge all stakeholders to prioritise the common good and work together towards a swift implementation of this vital plan. Our communities cannot afford further delays. Let this be the beginning of a new era of efficient, sustainable, and accessible transportation for Dublin.

“We welcome the commencement of the first oral hearing on the proposed Metrolink and hope for a smooth onward process leading to the swift implementation of this transformative project. The time for action is now, and together, we can build a better, more sustainable future for Dublin.”

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