Sinn Féin can’t be trusted on climate

27 February 2024

Labour’s Aodhán Ó Riordáin TD has today slammed Sinn Féin for their inconsistency on climate issues following the recent split within Sinn Féin over EU nature restoration law..

Deputy Ó Riordáin said

“It’s alarming to witness Sinn Féin MEP voting against critical legislation aimed at nature restoration, while simultaneously hearing accolades from another Sinn Féin candidate. This inconsistency raises questions about the party’s reliability on crucial matters.

“The contrasting positions within Sinn Féin regarding environmental legislation exemplify a lack of coherent leadership and unified vision. It’s imperative for political parties to demonstrate consistency and reliability, especially when addressing pressing issues such as climate change.

“While Senator Boylan rightly celebrates the passage of this law as a significant step towards environmental restoration, it’s alarming that Sinn Féin’s MEP opposed it. This inconsistency raises serious questions about Sinn Féin’s commitment to tackling the climate crisis.

“We’ve seen Sinn Féin duck and dive on climate issues before, particularly by failing to have a clear policy on agriculture emissions targets. Sinn Féin has come up short in terms of tangible climate policies, and sitting on the fence is irresponsible.

“At a time when urgent action is needed to address the existential threat of climate change, Sinn Féin’s internal discord sends a worrying message. How can the public trust Sinn Féin to make crucial decisions on environmental policy when its own representatives are divided on such fundamental issues? Sinn Féin must clarify its stance on environmental issues and demonstrate a unified commitment to combating climate change. We cannot afford to have representatives who are at odds with each other on matters as critical as the future of the planet.”

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