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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Ó Ríordáin heralds progress on paternity leave as major advancement for equality

Minister of State for Equality, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has welcomed today’s cabinet decision to give the green light for two weeks paid paternity leave. Speaking following the announcement, the Labour Party Minister said: “I first raised the need for the introduction of paid paternity leave in September 2014, speaking at an event hosted by Startstrong…

26 January 2016

Martin’s mental health snub shows FF don’t take issue seriously – Costello

Fianna Fail leader Micheal Martin was conspicuously absent from the launch of his own party’s mental health policy today. In fact, there was a distinct lack of Fianna Fail parliamentarians present at the event at all – just one Senator and one backbench TD bothered to turn up. This poor showing is not just hugely…

Labour Admin

25 January 2016

Disunited hard left have little in common – Byrne

The launch of the Anti-Austerity Alliance People Before Profit (AAA-PBP)’s “Common Principles” highlights again how little the hard left have in common. The one thing that does unite them is perpetual protest. For all their talk of a hard left alliance, this lot can’t even agree on a common manifesto or whether they want to…

Labour Admin

25 January 2016

Scale of Republican collusion still needs to be realised – Cahill

The shocking news in today’s Irish News by Security Correspondent Allison Morris shines a light into a murky web of collusion between high ranking IRA personnel and British intelligence services. My thoughts are with the families of the Shankill bomb victims today. These families are entitled to the fullest disclosure of the truth from the…

Labour Admin

25 January 2016

Stanley must withdraw gerrymandering claim against boundary body – Whelan

A claim made by Deputy Brian Stanley this week that Laois is a “gerrymandered constituency” must be substantiated or unequivocally retracted, Labour Senator John Whelan has said. Speaking today, he said: “This is an outrageous slur cast upon the Electoral Boundaries Commission. If Deputy Stanley knows a constituency has been gerrymandered, then as a responsible…

Labour Admin

22 January 2016

SocDem failure to tackle USC a major letdown for working families – Ferris

Today’s uncosted Social Democrat manifesto attacks Labour for our pledge to reduce USC for low and middle income householders, accusing our party of recklessness. Across Ireland, workers are seeing USC cuts in their January pay-packet. The Labour Party is committed to standing up for working families and will make no apologies for it. Unlike the…

22 January 2016

Costello criticises hospitality sector greed

Also urges establishment of new Dublin Docklands tourist trail Speaking in the Dáil today on the National Tourism Development Authority (Amendment) Bill, Labour Deputy Joe Costello welcomed the legislation, stating it was one of the shortest Bills presented to the Dáil in the last five years but extremely important as it provided for the doubling…

Labour Admin

21 January 2016

Sinn Fein water claims laughable as meter scheme rolled out across North – Whelan

“As usual, the party who promotes the ideal of one island are peddling two separate policies either side of the border.” Sinn Fein’s claim that only they will abolish water charges is laughable given that they have repeatedly failed to permanently abolish water charges in government in Northern Ireland. From 2007 to 2011, then Sinn…

Labour Admin

21 January 2016

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