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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Tanaiste proposes major Global Arts Forum for Ireland

“We need to put the same effort into highlighting Ireland as a global arts and culture centre as we do as a business location” The Tánaiste and Leader of the Labour Party, Joan Burton TD, is proposing to host a major Global Arts Forum for Ireland and believes work on it should get underway by…

Labour Admin

08 January 2016

Springboard free courses available for jobseekers

I welcome the announcement that the Springboard + Initiative in Higher Education is offering free courses in Cork and elsewhere around the country this term in a number of different and growing sectors. Springboard + Initiative is an opportunity for people out of work to get a foot back on the ladder of education and…

Labour Admin

07 January 2016

Sinn fein education minister’s remarks on teachers are a slur on the profession

I am calling on Sinn Fein TD Aengus Ó Snodaigh to state whether or not he supports the comments of his Northern colleague and Education Minister John O’Dowd, telling people to think very carefully about entering the teaching profession. Speaking yesterday, Minister O’Dowd said that due to the budget cuts that Sinn Fein negotiated, agreed,…

Labour Admin

07 January 2016

Fianna Fail a party of the left? Don’t make me laugh!

Micheal Martin, the man whose election campaign is about whether he can remain (supposed) leader of the opposition, claims Fianna Fáil are a bit to the left. Historically, he says. Ancient history more like. Nearly a hundred years more like. He claims Fine Gael are a right wing party. There is no end to his…

Labour Admin

07 January 2016

O’Sullivan welcomes new youth mental health service for Limerick

Minister for Education and Skills and Labour TD for Limerick City, Jan O’Sullivan, today warmly welcomed the establishment of a Jigsaw, a new youth mental service for Limerick. “Jigsaw is a fantastic service, provided by the organisation Headstrong. It is already making a very positive impact on youth mental health in ten communities across the…

Labour Admin

07 January 2016

Labour will continue to stand up for women

Speaking at Labour Women Nollaig na mBan Event It’s a real privilege to be here with you this evening and I want to wish you all a very happy Nollaig na mBan. Last week, as you know, President Higgins convened the Council of State to advise on the International Protection Bill. There’s a large oil…

Labour Admin

06 January 2016

Lynch highlights ‘roaring’ retail sales figures

Labour TD Ciaran Lynch has welcomed news that retail sales have increased 9.3% in the last 12 months, according to fresh CSO figures released this afternoon. Deputy Lynch said: “From October to November this year, the volume of retail sales rose by 2.2.%, with electrical goods and department store sales showing the strongest growth. “Overall,…

Labour Admin

06 January 2016

Jobs-rich recovery is taking hold in all regions

It has become increasingly clear this week that the recovery we are now experiencing in Ireland is not only jobs-rich, but is one that is taking hold in all regions across the country. Today we see where IDA Ireland, the Government agency responsible for attracting foreign direct investment, has announced that total employment in overseas…

Labour Admin

06 January 2016

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