Cycle lane and greenway projects in Dublin are being long fingered as funding for design work has being withdrawn. The National Transport Authority has told Dublin City Council to stop work on a number of projects until the end of 2017, including the Dodder Greenway, the Grand Canal Cycleway, the Clonskeagh to City Centre Cycleway,…

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Humphreys and Labour Cllrs Concerned Over Re-Development of Clery’s Department Store

                                                                            Executive Manager Dublin City Council Planning Department Civic Offices Block 4, Floor 2 Wood Quay Dublin 8   Planning…

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Time for the hotel industry to moderate prices-Costello

The hotel industry must moderate prices or face the loss of the special concession it has enjoyed since 2011, according to Joe Costello. “The most recent study of Accounting and Advisory firm Crowe and Howarth found that profits per hotel room were up by almost 30% in 2015 across the country. “This is even higher…

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Empty houses can’t be tolerated while so many are without a home – O’Sullivan

Speaking ahead of the publication of the Focus Ireland 2015 Annual Report, Labour’s spokesperson on Housing and Planning, Jan O’Sullivan has called on the Government to use the growing amount of vacant properties as a solution to the growing housing crisis. “The 2016 Census tells us that there are more than 198,000 vacant dwellings in…

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Further talks must take place to resolve the dispute at Dublin Bus – Ryan

Dublin Bus are to stage three 48 hour work stoppages in September as result of an ongoing dispute in relation to pay. The announcement of six days of strike action follows rounds of negotiations at the Workplace Relations Commission and the Labour Court. The Dublin Bus workers are seeking a 15% pay increase over three…

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Issues of sovereignty and reputation at stake – Howlin

With €13 billion of corporate revenue at stake, the decision of the European Commission will inevitably be appealed by Apple. It is not conceivable that Ireland would not be attached to the process, given our national interest in the outcome of this matter. Indeed it is likely that many Member States will join in an…

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​A hands-off approach not good enough from Zappone

​Last night, following an eight-hour work stoppage by staff at Oberstown youth detention centre, a group of detainees staged a rooftop demonstration, which was followed by the breakout of a significant fire on the premises. Speaking following the events of last night, Labour spokesperson Jan O’Sullivan said: “It is time for Minister Katherine Zappone to…

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Condolences on the death of former Minister for Foreign Affairs Peter Barry

It was with great sadness that I learned of the passing of former Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Peter Barry. During our time in Government together, Peter was an extremely loyal colleague, and was trusted and respected by parliamentary colleagues on all sides of the House. His central role in negotiating the Anglo-Irish Agreement…

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EBAY decision a major blow for Louth

The decision by eBay to close its operation in Dundalk is a major blow to the town and to the region. The facility will cease operations next year with the expected loss of 150 jobs. My immediate thoughts are with those who work in the facility in the town and their families at this very…

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Ross is missing in action on toll operator dispute

Labour Party TD for Tipperary Alan Kelly has called on the Minister for Transport Shane Ross to intervene immediately in the escalating toll operator dispute. Deputy Kelly commented: “The dispute between the Celtic Roads Group and Eflow needs to be resolved immediately before the travelling public are affected. “The Celtic Roads Group has announced they…

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Positive jobs news, highlights effectiveness of Labour policies in government

Today’s announcement by the CSO that there are now over 2,000,000 people at work in Ireland, is as clear an indication as we have seen to date, that the policies pursued by the last government have successfully delivered a real economic recovery for the people of Ireland. We also see a return to net inward…

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Sherlock welcomes Ross announcement of independent Olympic inquiry

The announcement by Minister Shane Ross today of a judge-led independent inquiry into the Olympic ticket scandal is a welcome recognition of the gravity of the matter, according to Sean Sherlock, speaking on behalf of the Labour Party.  “Over recent days, we have all been shocked at the unfolding fiasco in Rio. Thankfully, having met…

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O’Sullivan welcomes announcement of Early Years Forum by Minister Zappone

Labour Party Spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs Jan O’Sullivan TD has welcomed the announcement by Minister Katherine Zappone that an Early Years Forum has been established. O’Sullivan commented: “The announcement by Minister Zappone that an Early Years Forum will meet in September to advise the Department of Children and Youth Affairs on policy to…

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Enough is enough – time for Shane Ross to get out of the limelight

Over recent weeks, the Irish people have been subjected to a steady stream of allegations regarding ticket sales at the Rio Olympics. Following the arrest of Pat Hickey this morning, the reputational damage to Ireland is only increasing, according to Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin. “At the start of this fiasco, Shane Ross went mysteriously…

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Labour Youth calls on the government to set out a strategy for youth employment, training, and education

Labour Youth is calling for increased investment in opportunities for young people following the release of a Eurostat report this week showing that a fifth of all young people in Ireland are not in receipt of training, education or employment.  National Chairperson of Labour Youth, Grace Williams commented: “While it is heartening to see that…

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Hotels must reduce prices or lose VAT concession

The hospitality industry is beginning to rip off the customer once more as it did during the Celtic Tiger years. Last year the price of a double room in a Dublin hotel increased by 28% in the twelve month period from August 2014 to August 2015.  This year, data analytics specialist, STR has determined that…

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Penrose calls on people to make submissions to Boundary Commission

Deputy Penrose is calling on all constituents who were transferred to the Meath West constituency to make a submission to the boundary commission once it is operating requesting a return to Longford Westmeath. Deputy Penrose commented: “I will be making a submission to the boundary commission to remedy the situation whereby a significant portion of…

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Lord Mayor of Dublin condemns IBEC attempt to use Brexit to attack workers

The Lord Mayor of Dublin, Brendan Carr, has condemned an attempt by the employers’ umbrella group, IBEC, to use the recent vote by the UK to leave the EU to further its attack on workers in Ireland. Councillor Carr said: “In its response to Brexit this week, IBEC claimed that the correct approach for the…

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Labour Youth holds action at Turkish Embassy calling for release of CHP Youth activists

Labour Youth held a solidarity action this afternoon outside the Turkish Embassy in Dublin calling for the immediate release of members Labour Youth’s Turkish sister organisation, CHP Youth. Speaking at the action Labour Youth National Chairperson Grace Williams commented: “We condemn, in the strongest terms, the arrest of 13 members of CHP Youth on Tuesday….

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Sherlock welcomes sale of Whitegate Oil Refinery

I would like to welcome today’s news that Irving Oil is set to buy Ireland’s only oil refinery at Whitegate in Cork Harbour. I believe this is a positive development, and I hope that jobs in Whitegate can be preserved and that this announcement will prove to be a platform for further job creation. I…

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Penrose welcomes success of bankruptcy legislation

Labour Party TD for Longford and Westmeath Willie Penrose has welcomed the success of the bankruptcy legislation which he spearheaded in the 31st Dáil. Deputy Penrose commented: “I am delighted to learn today that almost 800 people have benefitted from the reforms to bankruptcy law which I campaigned for in the 31st Dáil and for…

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How can a ‘social democratic’ party continue to oppose increase in minimum wage?

Speaking on Newstalk Breakfast today, Social Democrat joint leader Stephen Donnelly made it clear that his party remains as opposed as ever, to any measure that would bring the National Minimum wage in line with a Living Wage. Stephen argued that what we should do instead is reduce costs to businesses – costs such as…

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Bacik welcomes appointment of Ms Justice Mary Laffoy as Chairperson of Citizens’ Assembly

Senator Ivana Bacik today welcomed the appointment of Ms Justice Mary Laffoy of the Supreme Court to chair the Citizens’ Assembly, which is set to examine a range of issues including the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution. Senator Bacik noted today that the announcement of this appointment should provide a clear indication that the government…

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Good news for the Midlands as Center Parcs gets green light

Deputy Willie Penrose has expressed delight at the decision An Board Pleanala to approve the huge development of land, at Newcastle Wood in Ballymahon Co. Longford, to develop a Forest Holiday Village. Deputy Penrose commented: “This is great for everyone concerned and will be a tremendous boost for tourism in the Midlands Region, and I…

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