Condolences on the death of Cara O’Sullivan

Labour Party Arts spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock expressed her condolence on the death announced yesterday of Irish soprano Cara O’Sullivan. “Cara O’Sullivan was an incredible talent, someone who made a massive contribution to the world of music both at home in Ireland and on the international stage. I wish to extend our deepest sympathies to…

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Department Needs to Move to Assessed Grade Model for Leaving Cert

As the Minister meets with her officials today to discuss the next steps for the Leaving Cert class of 2021, Labour spokesperson on education, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, has called for an assessed grade model to be offered to all Leaving Cert and Junior Cycle students. With the Government unable to reveal its plan for…

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Half-baked travel proposals show need for a National Aggressive Suppression Strategy for Covid-19

Today’s new regulations on travel and quarantine do not go far enough said Labour Party Leader and Health spokesperson Alan Kelly, as he called for an ambitious and aggressive strategy to deal with Covid-19. Deputy Kelly said:“I am calling for a national aggressive suppression strategy (NASS) that would eradicate community transmission of Covid-19 and ensure…

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Nash Welcomes Donnelly’s U-Turn on the Wearing of Masks in Banks

Labour’s Finance Spokesperson Ged Nash has welcomed the decision by the Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly to make the wearing of face coverings mandatory in banks, post officed and credit unions. Deputy Nash said: “I have raised this pressing issue for financial services workers and customers on several occasions in recent weeks with the Minister…

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Government Sleepwalking Aviation Towards Ruin

As the Labour Party continues to call for a National Aggressive Suppression Strategy (NASS), Labour transport spokesperson, Duncan Smith TD, reiterated his call for bespoke supports to protect the aviation industry. With the vaccine rollout taking longer than expected, and as new, more transmissible variants continue to emerge, the aviation industry will remain grounded throughout…

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Labour Launch Period Justice Survey and Urge All to Share Their Experience

Calls for cross-party support for her Seanad Bill   Following the introduction of her Bill in the Seanad last week to provide free period products in educational settings and public buildings, Senator Rebecca Moynihan has launched a public survey into the causes of period poverty. The Period Products (Free Provisions) Bill is modelled on the…

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Clarity Needed for Childcare Sector as 31st January Draws Closer

Highlighting the need for clarity regarding the childcare sector, Labour Seanad Group Leader and Party Spokesperson for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Senator Ivana Bacik has said:   “With fewer than five working days until the Government is due to give an update on the status of the current lockdown restrictions, there is an urgent…

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Covid-19 Regulations to address cross border visitors needed

Covid-19 rules on travel do not currently apply to non-residents of the Republic Regulations don’t in fact ban travel, they ban you from leaving your place of residence in the State without a reasonable excuse. Labour TD for Louth and East Meath, Ged Nash has reiterated his call from last April for the government to…

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Clarity On Driving Licence Extensions Needed

Minister needs to provide immediately clarity on the further extension period for renewals of driving licences Department needs to lay out plan for backlog of applications Extension must be granted to prevent anyone being put of the road through no fault of their own.   The Minister for Transport must provide immediate clarity on the…

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Mandatory quarantining will only work with effective testing

Labour transport spokesperson Duncan Smith TD has welcomed the news that the Irish Hotels Federation and its members are open to facilitating the Government in introducing full quarantine measures for any person arriving into the country. Acknowledging the Federation’s engagement, Deputy Smith reiterated that quarantining will only be effective if coupled with a robust testing…

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Sick Pay proposals must be stronger

Won’t be full pay, will not cover illness of two or less days and will be only two weeks in duration. Labour Party Bill was delayed for six months. Huge public support for Paid Sick Leave. Responding to reports on the likely details of a statutory sick pay scheme, Labour Employment spokesperson Marie Sherlock said…

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National Aggressive Suppression Strategy for Covid-19 now needed

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said there must now be a national aggressive suppression strategy (NASS) for Covid-19 including mandatory quarantine and checks close to the border in the absence of an all island agreement. Deputy Kelly said: “With Covid-19 cases so high, delayed vaccine rollout, our hospitals under severe pressure and Ireland facing months…

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The Labour Party Stands with Deliveroo Drivers

Labour employment spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has urged all Deliveroo customers to stand with Deliveroo drivers in their strike tonight.   “We stand with Deliveroo drivers in their strike across Dublin this evening. These workers are asking Deliveroo for engagement on very basic issues – better pay, conditions and standards. Throughout the pandemic, these workers…

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Stark Housing Figures Highlight Government Inaction

Labour spokesperson on housing Senator Rebecca Moynihan has said it is very worrying to read the Central Bank’s projection that up to 23,000 fewer homes will be built than necessary due to Covid-19. With the Government failing to address the growing housing crisis, Senator Moynihan has reiterated the need for state intervention in housing. Senator…

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NPHET policy change on travel testing and quarantine leaves ball in government’s court

NPHET had been reluctant up until now to endorse strong travel testing and quarantine measures. Over three quarters of the public want action on this. Additional supports needed for workers in the aviation sector. The support from NPHET for a more robust travel testing regime is a big policy shift said Labour transport spokesperson, Duncan…

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Rebuilding tourism sector requires industry-led approach

Minister must create taskforce focused on rebuilding the industry Consideration should be given to a dedicated Ministry   With January the traditional time that many plan holidays for the year ahead, Labour spokesperson on tourism, Senator Mark Wall, has called for the Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media to refocus her attention…

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Action on Affordable Housing Welcome but Concerns Remain

Proposals of 400 units to serve a market of approx. 326,000 renters absurd Control mechanisms must be implemented to avoid prices increases Suite of protections required for renters   Labour spokesperson on housing, Senator Rebecca Moynihan, has welcomed the publication of the Affording Housing Bill 2020 by the Minister for Housing today. Commenting on the…

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Education Ministers part of the problem – Taoiseach must intervene to find solutions

Return to schools for all students now in jeopardy Comments from Minister Foley and Minister Madigan deeply disrespectful and unhelpful Urgent consideration must be given to prioritising teachers, SNAs and all school staff for next round of vaccination   Speaking at Leaders’ Questions, Labour spokesperson on education, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, urged the Taoiseach and…

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Intervention of Taoiseach needed to resolve School Reopening Shambles

Labour spokesperson on Education, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, has called on the Taoiseach to intervene to resolve the shambles that his Minister and her Department have created over the reopening of schools for children with special needs. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:“The Minister for Education and her Department have handled the reopening of schools for SEN…

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Labour Introduces Bill to Provide Free Period Products

The Period Products (Free Provisions) Bill was today introduced into the Seanad by Senator Rebecca Moynihan. If enacted, the Period Justice Bill would provide for period products to be freely available in schools, education institutions and public service buildings. The Bill also places an obligation on the Minister to engage in an information campaign to…

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Taoiseach must take control of the education mess

With less than 48 hours to go until the planned re-opening of SEN schools and classes, Labour spokesperson on Education, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, has called on the Taoiseach to intervene and show leadership on this issue.   Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:   “Despite the many missives from the Minister, the re-opening of SEN schools…

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Labour Party Publishes Information and Tracing Bill for Mother & Baby Home Survivors

Bill will provide improved access to birth information and tracing for adopted people  The Labour Party today published its Adoption (Information and Tracing) Bill 2021 which will provide improved information and tracing access for adopted people. If enacted, this Bill will amend the Adoption Act 2010 to provide adopted persons with the right to access…

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Arrest of Navalny shows need for Irish Magnitsky bill

Ireland must lead on human rights abuses and use Security Council seat to make an impact. Howlin’s Proceeds of Crime (Gross Human Rights Abuses) Bill, based on the Magnitsky Bill would allow for CAB to seize assets in Ireland that result from international human rights abuses. The arrest today, and previous poisoning of the Russian…

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Transparency on status of bank bonuses and pay cap needed if AIB buys Goodbody

Return to the speculative economy of the Celtic Tiger must be opposed. Labour Finance spokesperson Ged Nash has called on the Minister and the Department for Finance to be transparent on what carve out, if any has been provided for banker bonuses and stockbroker pay if AIB proceeds to repurchase Goodbody stockbrokers. Deputy Nash said:…

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