An Bord Pleanála decision on Brady’s a planning disaster

Decision on Brady’s a disaster which dismantles responsible planning and promotes substandard housing Decision caused by Minister Murphy’s new planning rules which facilitate developers Joan Burton TD criticised the decision of An Bord Pleanála today to allow a large-scale co-living development on the site of Brady’s Pub, Castleknock: “This disastrous decision is the direct consequence…

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Government failing Midlands as Enterprise Ireland supported jobs lost

Labour candidate for Longford-Westmeath Alan Mangan has criticised the Fine Gael Government, for its ongoing failure to deliver jobs and investment in the Midlands, with the latest report from Enterprise Ireland yesterday showing a loss of jobs in the Midlands in 2019, adding to the losses from Bord na Móna. Mr Mangan said: “There was…

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National Conversation needed on the future direction of Childcare Policy

Speaking in relation to the current looming crisis in the childcare sector, and the possibility of a 24-hour strike, Labour Party spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs, Seán Sherlock TD,  has called for a national conversation on the future direction of childcare policy. Deputy Sherlock said: “We all know that experiences in the first few…

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Coveney takes unprecedented vow of silence on Iranian crisis – not the stuff of a country aspiring to security council membership

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has described the Government and Minister Simon Coveney’s failure to make any meaningful comment on events unfolding in the Gulf as extremely disappointing for a Government seeking a seat for Ireland on the UN Security Council. Deputy Howlin said: “Minister Coveney appears to have taken a vow of silence on…

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Planning Application real cause of concern for Iveagh Markets

Labour Party representative for Dublin South Central. Rebecca Moynihan, has said it is time for Dublin City Council to make moves on the ownership of the Iveagh Markets. Councillor Moynihan said: “It is over two years since Dublin City Council backed my call to take back control of the iconic Iveagh Markets. “I welcome a…

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O’Sullivan says opening of 60 bed unit in 2020 can’t be just a pre-election stunt

Limerick Labour T.D Jan O’Sullivan is calling on the Health Minister to be crystal clear on the timeline for the opening of the 60 bed modular unit at UHL. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “Minister Harris must give the people of the Midwest clarity on the exact time for the construction, fit out and recruitment of staff…

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Time for Fine Gael to end hospital recruitment ban

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has said it is time for the Government to end their recruitment ban in our hospitals. This comes as 760 patients have been reported to be on trolleys by the INMO – the worst day of overcrowding on record. Deputy Kelly said: “The trolley numbers today are a…

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New Climate Law is a pre-election PR effort

Labour Climate spokesperson Seán Sherlock TD has criticised the latest Government PR effort on climate as failing to provide real powers to the re-jigged Climate Council, or take the strong action needed to reduce our emissions. Proposal to ban sale of petrol and diesel cars from 2030 is unrealistic without greater supports Action Plan and…

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Budget could have increased SW payments

Howlin says denial of cost of living increase for pensioners revealed as ‘mean’ in light of budget surplus increase in Exchequer Returns Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin TD, said today that the latest Exchequer Return figures show a budget surplus twice what was predicted by the Government in October, showing that the denial of cost…

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Howlin condemns US assassinations of Iranian and Iraqi Leaders

Reacting to the assassination by US air strike of Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi paramilitary chief Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, condemned these attacks. Brendan said: “The US air strike on the motor convoy carrying Soleimani and al-Muhandis killed ten people. The US had no UN mandate…

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Record tax take but Government is failing to solve problems

Responding to the end of year Exchequer returns, Labour Finance spokesperson Joan Burton said: “The government has taken in a record amount of tax in 2019. “It’s hard to contemplate this as the same government has failed to manage investment in housing, health and public transport in any competent way. “Notwithstanding a major announcement practically…

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Trinity Docks Development must include housing

Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys while welcoming the proposals from Trinity College that would develop a new tech innovation hub at their Grand Canal Dock site, warned that it must include provision for housing. Senator Humphreys said: “The proposed Grand Canal Innovation District will support nearly 6,000 jobs according to plans from Trinity College published today….

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Gov and HSE fail to provide promised beds for UHL

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD has described further delays to the provision of 60 extra beds in University Hospital Limerick as unacceptable. Deputy Kelly said: “According to media reports today, the chief executive of the University Hospital Limerick group has admitted that the 60 bed block that was supposed to come on stream…

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We will miss Marian Finucane

Expressing her sadness on the sudden death of broadcaster Marian Finucane, Joan Burton said: “Polite, intelligent, determined interviewers like Marian Finucane are without doubt the most challenging and the most difficult to meet on air. “I went from someone who listened to her radio programs to being interviewed by her. “Her honeyed voice, rooting for…

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Failure of weak FG rules on Airbnb short term lets no surprise

Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys has said the revelations in today’s Irish Independent shows the failure so far of new rules to limit short term ‘AirBnB’ type lets but warned it was no surprise as problems with the legislation were pointed out as it went through the Oireachtas, and he called for increased resources for more…

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Labour Leader welcomes idea of Civil War Commemoration Monument

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has welcomed the idea of a national monument or memorial to commemorate all those killed in the Civil War as proposed by the Chair of Government’s expert advisory group on the Decade of Commemorations. Deputy Howlin said: “As Ireland descended into Civil War in 1922 and 1923 the Labour Party,…

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Government must act on Smoky Coal Dáil vote

Following the overwhelming Dáil vote last night in favour of a nationwide ban on smoky coal, Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has called on the Government to act. Deputy Howlin said: “Last night the Dáil voted in favour of our motion calling for a nationwide ban on the sale of smoky coal. “The Cabinet is…

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Public rent register needed to bring greater transparency to the market

Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has called for a residence-specific register to be made public for all new tenants to bring more transparency to the private rental market. It comes as new figures from the Residential Tenancies Board show new tenants are facing hikes of up to 6.6 per cent in Dublin, greater…

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Tiff over election date distracting from real issues

With the ongoing exchanges between Micheál Martin and Leo Varadkar over the election date, Brendan Howlin TD said that both men should stop trying to rewrite the Constitution and focus on dealing with the real problems in healthcare, housing and homelessness. Deputy Howlin said: “The Constitution is clear that Dáil Éireann shall be dissolved by…

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Immediate ban on Smoky Coal Needed to save Lives

Speaking on the launch of our motion on the environment and pollution, Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin said there is a need for an immediate ban on smoky coal, and action from the Government to produce a National Clean Air Strategy and National Clean Water strategy. Deputy Howlin said: “The Government is dragging it’s feet…

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Senior Ministers must now address high insurance costs

Responding to the publication by the Central Bank of their analysis of the motor insurance sector, Labour Finance spokesperson Joan Burton TD has called for the intervention of the Taoiseach and Minister for Finance to address once for all high premiums. Deputy Burton said:“The figures from the Central Bank today confirms that consumers of motor…

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Cormac will be deeply missed by all who knew him

Labour Councillor Mary Freehill has expressed her deep sadness on the death of her Director of Elections and Labour Youth Chair Cormac Ó Braonáin. Cllr Freehill paid tribute to Cormac, saying: “Cormac was a superb Director of Elections for me in 2019, one of the best people to have in charge of your campaign, as…

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Statement on the death of Labour Youth Chair Cormac Ó Braonáin

Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin TD, has expressed his deep sadness and grief on hearing of the tragic and untimely death of recently elected Labour Youth Chairperson, Cormac Ó Braonáin, who died early on Sunday morning. Deputy Howlin said: “I was deeply shocked when I heard of Cormac’s untimely death. On behalf of the Labour…

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Labour Deliver for Waterford

Commenting on the passing of the Waterford Council Budget, Mayor of Waterford City and County Council and Labour General Election candidate for Waterford, Cllr John Pratt said: “In June 2019, the Labour Party entered into agreement with The Greens, Independents and Sinn Fein to drive the activity of Waterford City and County Council for five…

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