Ending period poverty must go beyond words on a page

The Labour Party’s Rebecca Moynihan has welcomed moves by the Oireachtas Women’s Caucus to bring public attention to the growing phenomenon of period poverty. Last year, Dublin City Council passed measures proposed by Councillor Moynihan to provide free sanitary products in Dublin City Council owned buildings. Cllr Moynihan said: “It is extremely welcome to see…

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Time for meaningful Luas public safety campaign

Labour Transport spokesperson Kevin Humphreys has called on all relevant stakeholders – the National Transport Authority, Dublin City Council, Transdev and the Department of Transport – to work together on a public safety awareness campaign for pedestrians and drivers along Luas routes. Senator Humphreys said; “Yesterday’s reports of a pedestrian death along the Luas Red…

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Internet turns 30 but many Irish people without broadband feel like they are stuck in 1989

On the 30th anniversary of the internet, Labour TD for Cork East, Seán Sherlock TD, has said that many Irish people still feel like they are stuck in 1989 because their internet is so slow. Deputy Sherlock said: “Today, the internet turns thirty, not that many people in rural Ireland would know because their internet…

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IAA right to suspend Boeing Max Aircraft

Labour Transport Spokesperson Sen. Kevin Humphreys has commended the Irish Aviation Association decision to temporarily suspend the operation of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft in Irish Airspace. Sen. Humphreys said: “I welcome the decision by the IAA to temporarily suspend the operation of the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft in and out of Irish airspace. Recent events…

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Defence Force Viability a major concern

Labour Defence spokesperson, Brendan Ryan TD has said that the Government must take seriously the warnings from RACO and others about the future viability of the Defence Forces as overall numbers fall below 8,500; and ask the Public Service Pay Commission to expedite its review of recruitment and retention issues in the PDF. Deputy Ryan…

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More PR spin at another Childcare launch

Labour spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs Seán Sherlock TD has said today’s press event by the Taoiseach and Minister for Children was just a launch about a launch with nothing tangible for parents or providers, and a website that isn’t even ready yet. Deputy Sherlock said: “The Taoiseach and Minister for Children held another…

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Government must live up to Istanbul Convention commitments

Labour Party Spokesperson for Equality, Cllr. Deirdre Kingston has described as ‘disheartening’ reports today that Ireland has the inadequate provision of accommodation for victims of domestic violence. Cllr. Kingston is calling for dedicated capital funding for every local authority to be used for domestic violence accommodation.  Cllr. Kingston said: “Last week I called on the government…

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Fine Gael dragging feet on Gender Pay Gap Law

Labour Party Spokesperson on Equality Cllr. Deirdre Kingston has called on the Government to use Labour legislation which is already well on its way through the Oireachtas to introduce Gender Pay Gap reporting, rather than delaying progress any further. Cllr. Kingston said: “Another International Women’s Day, and another weak commitment from this Cabinet to close…

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Hannigan To Pedal Off on ‘Bike the Border’ Tour

On Saturday 9th March, Labour Party Euro candidate for Midlands North West, Dominic Hannigan, will kick off his ‘Bike the Border’ tour. Over the weekend Dominic will travel from Omeath in Co. Louth to Clones in Co. Monaghan by bike and on to Cavan. Mr Hannigan said: “I grew up close to the border and…

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Time to end gender separation in our primary school

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said that it is is time to end gender separation in our primary schools. Senator Ó Ríordáin said:  “The fact that so many of our primary schools are still separated by gender, sends the wrong message to children at a young age about gender equality. “Currently, 17%…

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Government must consider rollout of a free school books scheme

This World Book Day, Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called on the Government to ensure that school books are free for primary school children. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “At present parents are forking out on average €360 per child every September for back to school essentials. Sending multiple children to school can…

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Minister Murphy must not leave loan applicants in limbo

Labour TD for Fingal, Brendan Ryan, has called on the Minister for Housing to secure further funding for the Rebuilding Ireland Home Loan Scheme as soon as possible. Deputy Ryan said: “Following the Minister’s admission that the first round of funding for the Home Loan Scheme has run out, the Minister cannot allow applicants to…

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IDA should construct Advanced Building in Mullingar now

Labour spokesperson for Rural Affairs, Willie Penrose TD, has described as ‘deeply disappointing’ the response of the IDA to his request for the construction of an advanced building in Mullingar. Advanced buildings, which are an important part of the IDA strategy for business investment in regional areas, are currently planned for many other locations including…

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Report vindicates decision to hike Minimum Wage

2016 minimum wage increase narrows wage gap between top 10% and bottom 10% of earners by 8% Welcoming the finding in today’s report from the ESRI that found that the 2016 national minimum wage increase delivered by the Labour Party significantly narrowed the hourly wage inequality gap between high and low earners, Senator Ged Nash…

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Dedicated capital funding needed for Domestic Violence Accommodation

Labour Equality Spokesperson and Dáil Candidate, Cllr. Deirdre Kingston (Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown) has called for Minister Murphy to make capital funding available to every local authority in the country via the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government specifically for the provision of domestic violence accommodation. Currently, there are only 21 women’s refuges in operation in…

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Mininster Harris cannot walk back commitment on free contraception

Labour TD for Limerick and Chair of the All Party Oireachtas Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Jan O’Sullivan, has called on the Minister not to back peddle on previous commitments to deliver on the recommendation of the Committee on the 8th Amendment and to make contraception free. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “While I welcome the…

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Dublin Bus must stop discriminating against UCD students

Labour Transport spokesperson Kevin Humphreys has called on Dublin Bus to reverse its decision not to pick students up at UCD at night, and to work with students, An Garda Síochána, and the University to find a solution.  Senator Humphreys said:  “It is unacceptable to tar the entire student and staff community in UCD with…

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Labour doorstep on Domestic Violence Accommodation Provision – 12:30 pm today

Labour Party Spokesperson for Equality Cllr. Deirdre Kingston with Deputy Jan O’Sullivan will be available to speak to reporters today, Wednesday 6th March at 12:30 pm on the need for the Department of Housing to provide dedicated capital funding to Local Authorities for the provision of Domestic Violence refuge accommodation. What: Doorstep with Cllr. Deirdre…

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Labour Euro Parliament candidates respond to Macron

Speaking in response to French President Emmanuel Macron’s letter to the citizens of Europe published in the Irish Times and across all 28 EU member states, Labour’s three European Parliament candidates have responded with their vision for Europe. In short, Labour’s answer is Yes to Reform. Alex White, Labour’s candidate for Dublin said: “We must…

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Government letting down struggling home savers

Labour Cllr and Chair of the Fingal Housing SPC Duncan Smith, has called on the Fine Gael Government and Minister for Housing to urgently increase the resources available to the Home Loan Scheme as councils have been told that no further approvals should issue for now. Cllr Smith said: “Fingal has led in the delivery…

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Low-interest loans needed for homeowners impacted by serious safety defects

Labour Party General election candidate for Dublin South Central, Rebecca Moynihan, has called on the Government should establish a low interest loan fund for householders whose homes have been hit by defects. Councillor Moynihan said: “We know from media reports that there are at least four apartment blocks across Dublin City and Council that have…

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Minister Murphy’s failure to secure Home Loan Scheme funding inexcusable

Labour Housing Spokesperson Jan O’Sullivan has described the government’s failure to secure funding for the Home Loan Scheme ‘inexcusable’. This follows revelations yesterday that Local Authorities have been directed to stop consideration of applications for the Rebuilding Ireland Homes Loan Scheme, as the current funding for the scheme has run out. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “The…

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Extra cash needed for Home Loan Scheme

Labour Local representative, and General Election Candidate for Longford-Westmeath, Alan Mangan, has called on the Fine Gael Government and the Minister for Housing to urgently increase the resources available to the Home Loan Scheme as councils have been told that no further approvals should issue for now. Mr. Mangan said: “Funding was only given for…

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Labour’s Pay Gap Bill could be law by summer with FG support

Labour Party Seanad Leader Ivana Bacik, has called on the Government as it seeks to mark International Women’s Day on Friday to use Labour legislation which is already well on its way through the Oireachtas to introduce Gender Pay Gap reporting, rather than delaying progress any further. Senator Bacik said: “On Friday this week we…

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