Conor Sheehan

Deputy Whip, Spokesperson on Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
Limerick City, Limerick City North
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Conor Sheehan

Why I got involved in politics

I got involved in politics because I felt that my generation were underrepresented in political life with decisions made for us without us.

I ran for election because I am passionate about my local community and city and only by getting involved you can help shape the future of the city.

I want Limerick to be the best place in Ireland to live, work and study. Limerick is a fantastic city with enormous potential and challenges. I want to help Limerick grow and to be a progressive left of centre voice for our city and it's people .

I believe Limerick and the Mid-West can act as a counter pull to Dublin, but in order for that to happen there are key issues that need to addressed such as the livability of our city centre, congestion due to a lack of efficient public transport, a shortage of quality affordable housing and the neglect of Shannon Airport and these are issues I am committed to tackling.

My priorities

My priorities for my community include the refurbishment of Clare Street Park, the development of a playground in Corbally and Caherdavin, the delivery of badly needed flood defences for Kings Island and Corbally.

I also want to see the city centre revitalized, King John's Castle used to its full potential, our public bike scheme expanded and enhanced to U.L and additional cycling and active travel facilities such as LIT to M.I.C via the city centre delivered.

My background

I was born and raised on the North side of Limerick. I went to school in Gaelcoil Sáirseal and then Coláiste Chiaráin in Croom. I attended Mary Immaculate College where I received a B.A in French and German and the French Embassy Prize in French Studies and D.C.U where I graduated with a B.A in Journalism.

During my short time on the Council, I have secured funding for badly needed community facilities for Corbally and to refurbish Clare Street Park. I was also instrumental in organizing opposition to RTE's decision to close their Limerick studio and downgrade Lyric FM and in blocking Shannon Heritage's decision to operate King John's Castle on a seasonal basis.

Clubs and Committees

  • I am a volunteer with St Munchin's Community Centre,
  • I am a member of Limerick City and County Council's Home and Social,
  • Development and Transport Special Policy Committees,
  • I am a trustee of the Limerick Milk Market.

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