Darragh Moriarty

Available any time by phone or email.
Why I got involved in politics
I had always been interested in politics from a young age because I always wondered about the people who made the decisions that affect people’s everyday lives.
Coming from a disadvantaged area of Dublin, I witnessed first-hand that the people who actually rely on those decisions the most are often the very last to be consulted or spoken to.
When the opportunity arose to fill the Dublin City Council seat vacated by Senator Rebecca Moynihan, I thought long and hard about putting myself forward as a young, inner city Dublin voice to represent the Dublin 8 area. Ultimately, I got involved because I felt that I could work with communities and fight for their voices to be heard. Now, as leader of the Labour group on DCC it’s a privilege to represent my community and work to make it an even better place to live.
My priorities
As a Councillor I’ve worked to deliver social and affordable housing, and to improve conditions for our public tenants. I’ve campaigned against hotels, luxury student accommodation and Build-to-Rents so we can build the decent housing we need in our community instead. I got a I’ve challenged illegal AirBnBs and rogue landlords publicly.
Working with local residents, I’ve delivered new playing pitches and pushed for safer walking and cycling infrastructure across Dublin 8. Now I want to take the fight for vital public services for Dublin South Central to the Dáil. My campaign priorities are below:
Affordable, secure & decent housing - The housing disaster impacts all of us. My sister packed her bags for Australia, and my brother is stuck at home. I get it. I’ll fight for social and affordable housing and enhanced renters’ rights.
Public childcare - Childcare costs are crippling families. Even if you’re lucky enough to find a space, the for-profit model has failed. It’s time for a public childcare scheme with a guaranteed place for every child.
Education - for all Too many children are in cold prefabs, and principals can’t find teachers. There’s not enough secondary school capacity or spaces for children with additional needs. We need to scale up investment and break down barriers separating our children going to school.
Confront the climate emergency - We need a retrofitting revolution to make your homes warmer and energy bills cheaper. I will also fight for investment in public transport and safer walking and cycling infrastructure.
Safer streets - Everyone should feel safe in their community. This means proactive visible community policing, and cracking down on drug-related intimidation. It means investing in our parks, playgrounds and pitches, and putting a stop to illegal scramblers.
Pitches and playgrounds - As a TD I will insist that we finally get the investment needed for more pitches, playgrounds and public spaces where people of all ages can gather and where our community connections can flourish.
My background
I grew up opposite the Coombe Hospital, where my parents ran a local shop, Petals, for over 20 years. Now I’m living in Inchicore, and I work for a leading health charity. I’m also a Pat’s season ticket holder.
I have been representing the people of the South West Inner City since May 2020 when I was co-opted to take over on Dublin City Council following Rebecca Moynihan’s election to Seanad Éireann. I was honoured to be elected in June 2024, and I’m now the leader of the Labour group in Dublin City Council.