Labour Equality are deeply shocked by the death of Jo Cox

Labour Equality
17 June 2016

Labour Equality members are deeply shocked and saddened by the death of Jo Cox MP. Jo Cox was a staunch and courageous advocate for social justice. She stood up for peace in Syria and advocated for the innocent children affected by the conflict.

We do not fully know the events which lead to her death. We do know, however that the hated filled and divisive rhetoric in modern politics makes events like this more likely to happen. Hatred destroys the lives of everyone it touches, it turns people against one another and makes people fearful to stand up for what they believe. 

This shocking event must lead to a new culture in politics. Where we embrace and respect diversity of opinion, without demonizing our opponents or entire sections of society. As Jo said “we are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us”. 

Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Jo Cox. 

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