Labour Equality
20 January 2017

Acknowledging inauguration day of the President Elect in the US, Labour Equality has vowed to continue working with those who represent the values of equality and strive for a better society for all.

Chair of Labour Equality Padraig McLoughlin commented: “It is customary to not comment other than in the vaguest congratulatory terms on the election of leaders of other countries, even when those leaders represent a form of politics contrary to our own. However, the actions of the man who will take the oath of office as President of the United States of America means custom has to be ignored.

“In light of his actions in promoting figures intent on the destruction of Europe as we have known it, providing moral support to European fascists, promoting nationalist and authoritarian causes and it appears from recent comments seeking the exemptions of his financial interests in Ireland from planning laws while snubbing democratically elected leaders, to not comment would be a mistake. We also regret that many of those chosen to advise the new president are noted for their opposition to notions of equality between those of different races, genders, orientations and religions.

“The ideals in Ireland, Europe and America that brought peace, freedom and a more equal society to Europe, Ireland and America still hold and are worthy of support. We hope that those who still hold those values, and the values of the constitution of the USA will act as a constant reminder of the best of America. We express our solidarity with the majority of voters of the USA who hoped for something better, in the knowledge that something better will be the dream that sustains all our hopes for the duration of this presidency.

“We will continue to stand up for our values in Europe, against the malign influences that would destroy freedom and annihilate the rights we have won over the years. We will not allow a coalition of nationalist and authoritarian extremism to once again wash over Europe. We know that we have had allies in this in the USA in the past, that they will still be there for us, as we are for them, in the difficult four years ahead and that we will work towards someday being able to look back from a better future on the short lived triumph of hate-filled confidence tricksters who owe their position to an unusual confluence of interests opposed to freedom and equality.”



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