Labour Women has today made its submission to the Citizens’ Assembly on the need to repeal the Eighth Amendment, and is urging others to do so in the final hours before the deadline today.
Chair of Labour Women Sinead Ahern commented: ‘Today Labour Women made its submission on the importance of repealing the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution to the Citizens’ Assembly.
‘Over the 33 years since the 8th Amendment was inserted into the constitution somewhere between 3000 and 5000 women per year are known to have provided Irish addresses in UK clinics when seeking to access abortion services – this being a conservative estimate . The 8th Amendment has simply served to force women to travel abroad to access basic health care – Ireland is failing its women.
‘The 8th Amendment was a poorly conceived addition to the constitution, which has resulted in an unacceptable degree of legal uncertainty and in many cases has had tragic consequences.
‘I am urging everyone who wants the 8th Amendment repealed to make a short submission to the Citizens’ Assembly before 5pm today. Submissions may be sent to’