Labour Women has today welcomed the Labour Party Bill published today which would safeguard people against online harassment including ‘revenge porn’, describing it as a “vital measure to tackle the horrific online abuse many people endure without ever getting justice”.
Chair of Labour Women Sinead Ahern commented: “There has been an epidemic of online harassment in recent years which has taken place with little or no accountability due to gaps in current legislation. The fact that someone can freely circulate a video or photo without the consent of the person involved and with the intent of causing harm and never being held accountable is nothing short of a disgrace.
“This type of abuse has affected many people and can have a devastating impact on their lives and mental health. Women in particular have been a target of cyber-bullying which can take many forms which are currently not covered in legislation.
“By creating a new offence of distributing an intimate image without consent, as proposed in this Bill, this would finally put an end to such barbaric acts taking place with no accountability. But this isn’t the only online abuse ensured by many; by broadening the definition of communication to cover all electronic, written and spoken word as provided for in this Bill instead of just phone and text (SMS) messages as is the case now, would cover the many forms of online abuse which are currently not considered offences.
“For too long we have heard and read about horrific accounts of online harassment and the tragic consequences for the victims and their families and how they never got the justice they deserved. Not only would such harassment be considered an offence under this Bill, but it may make some potential harassers think twice before clicking a button that could ruin lives.”