Labour Women welcome Howlin’s strong statement on Repeal the 8th proposals

Labour Women
13 October 2017

Labour Women are today welcoming Brendan Howlin’s strong statement on the repeal of the 8th amendment.

Commenting Labour Women Chair Sinead Ahern said

“For over 30 years the Labour Party has said that the constitution is no place for a provision on abortion.

“This is not just a liberal issue, it is one of social justice.

“We opposed the 8th amendment from its initial inception and continue to oppose it today.

“Throughout the Citizen’s Assembly process and now as the Joint Oireachtas Committee deliberates we have been clear what our position is. Repeal means Repeal.

“Today Brendan Howlin is leading from the front and saying in no uncertain terms that the Labour Party places too high a value on the lives and health of women to allow further legal uncertainty.

“We will not support any proposal that continues the status quo of regulating abortion through the constitution.

“Labour Women are proud of the leadership that has been shown on this issue and are looking forward to working closely with the parliamentary party, our local representatives and the wider party membership as the campaign to repeal the eighth continues”


For Further Comment contact: Sinead Ahern 086 3983189


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