Arts funding must be contingent on harassment training

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
09 November 2017

Labour Party spokesperson on Community Arts, Councillor Rebecca Moynihan, has welcomed measures to tackle harassment in the Arts industry announced by the Minister for Arts.

Councillor Moynihan said:

“Today’s announcement by Minister Humphreys that measures, including harassment training, are to be introduced to deal with harassment and bullying in the Arts sector is a very much a welcome measure.

“However in order to strengthen these measures, future funding should be contingent on organisations availing of this training.

“Rumours and whispers have been rampant for years on the issues that have come into the public domain in the last few weeks. The fact that staff allege to have been treated this way by someone with power and influence in the arts community is disgraceful. Ensuring that those who work in the sector receive proper training is the right thing to do.

“Freelance workers such as stage managers, producers and actors have been particularly vulnerable in these scenarios, as their careers could be destroyed in an instant by those in a position of power in the Arts industry.

“The bravery of the women who have come forward has to be commended. Hopefully the measures introduced today will be a new chapter for those working in theatre.”

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