Government delay on Sports Capital Grants hurting clubs

Senator Mark Wall
16 November 2017

Labour spokesperson on Sport, Cllr Mark Wall has said that the continuing delays to the allocations of Sports Capital Grants are seriously threatening the viability of club projects. The deadline for applications was 24th February but as recently as 11th September we were informed the announcement would be in the coming weeks yet two months on still no announcement has been made.

“Clubs are at breaking point,” said Cllr Wall.

“In response to a recent Labour question in the Dáil on 11th September we were told an announcement regarding allocations will be made in the coming weeks.

“The delay comes as Minister Shane Ross was more focused on his peace keeping mission to North Korea then his own portfolio while clubs are continually being told the news will be in the coming weeks.

“Planning permissions will run out of time and contractors will take up other jobs if they cannot proceed with shovel ready projects.

“The Government insisted on a professional and timely approach by clubs of all codes looking for grant assistance.

“The least that clubs should expect is a timely response to their requests so they plan ahead over the winter months.

“Minister Ross has found the time to travel to London, and even engage in some international peace efforts yet along with Minister of State Griffin they have failed to tell sports clubs across the country when the sports grants will be announced.

“In a couple of weeks it will be a new year and they will have to rename it the 2018 Sports Grant Allocation Scheme, which, will no doubt cause more delays for the headed notepaper to be printed up. The Ministers need to be straight with all applicants.

“The longer this is delayed, the more the costs go up, and it’s not fair on sports clubs who expected to get a grant in 2017 if it’s being delayed into 2018.


DÁIL QUESTION addressed to the Minister of State Transport, Tourism and Sport (Deputy Brendan Griffin) for WRITTEN ANSWER on 11/09/2017
To ask the Minister for Transport; Tourism and Sport the date the sports capital grant funding will be announced.

REPLY: Minister of State Brendan Griffin
The 2017 round of the Sports Capital Programme closed for applications on the 24th February. By the closing date, a record number of 2,320 applications seeking €155 million in grants were received. The total amount currently available to allocate under this round is €30 million. Accordingly, the allocation of grants will be particularly challenging.
All of the 2,320 applications received are currently being assessed by officials in my Department. I expect that an announcement regarding allocations will be made in the coming weeks.

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