DCC Cllrs back Moynihan’s proposal to provide free sanitary products in DCC buildings

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
20 September 2018

Labour Party GE candidate for Dublin South Central, Cllr Rebecca Moynihan, has secured agreement from Dublin City Councillors for Dublin City Council to provide free sanitary products in all DCC buildings.

 Speaking after the DCC Finance meeting, Cllr Moynihan said:

 “I’m delighted that my fellow councillors have agreed with my proposal to provide free sanitary products in all Dublin City Council buildings including community centres, swimming pools and libraries.

 “Period poverty is a very real problem issue for women in low income households. In passing this motion today, Dublin City Council has accepted that we have a responsibility to break down the stigma around periods and tackling period poverty.

 “We know through a survey by Plan International Ireland that over fifty percent of Irish girls aged 12-19 have experienced issues around the affordability of sanitary products.

“Low income families shouldn’t have the additional burden of struggling to afford sanitary products; Homeless women should not have to be suffering on the streets; or young girls should not be missing school once a month because they just can’t afford sanitary protection. Women who are in these situations, often find themselves barely being able to afford essentials like sanitary products, which can often be priced as if they are luxury goods.

“We know through the popular ‘Homeless Period Ireland’ initiative, that tackling period poverty is an issue Irish women are very aware of and keen to address.

“While providing free sanitary products in Dublin City Councils buildings is a really progressive step, I hope that the Government will follow Scotland’s lead and take action in the upcoming budget to provide free sanitary products in all schools and colleges.”

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