First deadline on Affordable Purchase Scheme missed – Minister promised scheme would be published by the end of September

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
01 October 2020

The Minister for Housing has missed the first deadline on the introduction of an Affordable Purchase Scheme that he promised would be published by the end of September according to Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan who said Labour are going to hold the Minister to account on the introduction of an affordable housing and cost rental scheme.

Senator Moynihan said:

“Speaking in the Dáil on July 16th, Minister Daragh O’Brien said he would bring forward a scheme before the end of September but today is the first of October and nothing has been announced. Housing is the number one issue now, and we have been waiting years for an affordable housing and cost rental scheme.

“The first deadline has now passed, and Labour are going to hold the Minister to account to ensure that he fulfils his promises in relation to introducing an Affordable Purchase Scheme as a matter of priority.

“Minister O’Brien’s comments on RTÉ Radio stating that the promised Affordable Purchase and cost rental scheme has gone to a cabinet sub committee and his refusal under repeated questioning to admit whether the scheme will form part of Budget 2021 is concerning given that he had initially committed to publishing the plan before the end of September.

“He really needs to give a better explanation as to why he has not published the scheme by now as he had originally intended. We need the Minister to outline a realistic timeframe for the delivery of the affordable housing scheme and ensure that it is included within the Budget 2021.


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