Leaving Cert Class of 2021 Call for Choice – Wall publishes survey results after 10,000 responses

Senator Mark Wall
14 January 2021
  • Survey carried out by Senator Mark Wall with 10,984 responses on social media
  • Over half of respondents favour predicted grades (53%)
  • 43% would like to have the choice of predicted grades or sitting this year’s exam
  • 3% opt for sitting traditional Leaving Cert


Labour Senator Mark Wall today published the results of a survey into students’ views regarding this year’s Leaving Cert. An astonishingly low 3% believe that the traditional written Leaving Cert exam should happen, with students favouring a choice, or a repeat of predicted grades for the class of 2021.


Speaking about the results, Senator Wall said: “The class of 2021 are experiencing extraordinary disruption to their education over the last year, and I carried out this survey to give them an opportunity to have their voices heard. Reading the responses, it’s clear that choice is the key ask from students.


“This group of students have already missed 11 weeks of in-class teaching last year, and are now continuing to prepare for their exams while managing further disruption. It’s clear that students are asking the Government for choice, and to allow for the option of predicted grades or sitting the exams. Their voices deserve to be heard by the Minister in making a decision about their future.


“Students and parents throughout the country are hanging on every word of the Government. It’s important that their views are considered in finalising any decision, and I will continue to work with our education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, to ensure that this happens as soon as possible to end the continuous cycle of stress and worry.


“There needs to be clarity from the Minister about the viability of this year’s Leaving Cert examinations. The Labour Party is calling on the Government to take a decision on this year’s Leaving Cert by early February to give some clarity to the Class of 2021.”

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