Phoenix Park at risk of compulsory purchase under Government Bill
Labour Housing, Local Government and Heritage spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called on the Minister for Housing to confirm that no national park, heritage site or the Phoenix Park will be at risk of compulsory purchase order under the measures proposed in the Land Development Bill.
Senator Moynihan said:
“The community value of the Phoenix Park, our national parks and heritage sites has been proved throughout the past year as many seek solace in these open green spaces.
It’s our right as citizens to enjoy these spaces and the Minister must now confirm that they will not be at risk of a compulsory purchase order under proposals in the LDA Bill which is currently going though the Oireachtas.
“The Labour Party has put forward amendments to the Bill to ensure the Phoenix Park, National Parks and Heritage sites are excluded from the CPO powers of the LDA under the draft Bill.
“As well as the importance to community wellbeing and mental health, national parks are vital natural solutions to bring down our carbon emissions and allow wildlife to flourish. A crucial toll in the green development of any city, Labour would like to see parks and urban spaces as a major part of any city planning going forward.
“Spaces such as the Phoenix Park are at the centre of communities, provide a space for people to make connections, to take time out of the busy, noisy world we live in and appreciate the natural environment. They are integral to fostering happy and healthy cities and must be protected. I hope the Minister can accept our amendment and ensure that these parks will be used for the common good for years to come.”