Almost €1 million spent on reports into Defence Forces rather than tackling pay and conditions

Senator Mark Wall
12 October 2023

Labour Defence spokesperson Mark Wall said it is galling to see the level of money spent on reports into the Defence Forces rather than tackling the issues of pay and conditions head on.

Senator Wall said:

“The Government seems to have no issue forking our hundreds of thousands of euros on reports. Between 2018 to date in 2023, a total of €979,490.09 has been spent on reports into the Defence Forces. It’s madness.

“It’s particularly galling for any member of the Force to see the eye watering figures in question, particularly when they have been begging for Government to come to the table with increased pay and improved conditions.

“Just last month, Government announced yet another defence strategy. The Defence Forces need action on recruitment and retention, not another report. Theyare already struggling to recruit and retain personnel, and the situation is only going to get worse if the Government does not take action to improve pay and conditions.

“The single biggest threat to the viability of our Defence Forces into the future is this Government’s failure to adequately address pay and conditions for members. This is borne out by the fact that more are leaving than joining the Forces.

“The Defence Forces provide a vital service to the State, and it is important that they have the resources they need to do their job properly.”

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