State Should Take The Lead on Circular Fashion: Labour Calls for Government to Set Up Repair and Recycle Company

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
14 October 2023

Following a United Nations study which showed Irish consumers generated 11 million kilos of electronic waste last year, Labour Spokesperson on Climate, Senator Rebecca Moynihan called on the government to set up a repair and recycle company to make it easier and more convenient for people to repair and recycle their belongings.

Senator Moynihan said:
“We need to value reusability and move towards more circularity in our economy. This means making it easier for people to repair their belongings and recycle them at the end of their life.

“In Labour’s Alternative Budget, we proposed setting up a repair and recycle company. This company could be run through local authorities, and libraries could be used as drop-off and collection points.

“The Government needs to step up and make it more convenient for people to repair and recycle. We need to make it easier for people to do the right thing for the environment.

“I am calling on the government to launch a study immediately on the feasibility of a state repair and recycle company. This study should be completed ahead of next year’s budget so that Government can make a decision on setting up the company.

Senator Moynihan also highlighted the importance of reusing precious metals in batteries.

“Precious metals such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel are essential for the production of batteries. These metals are finite resources, and we need to find ways to reuse them. They are found in items like vapes, cables, remote controls and USB sticks.

“A feasibility study should be launched now ahead of next year’s budget to assess the feasibility of a state repair and recycle company. The study should consider the following factors:

  • The potential costs and benefits of a state repair and recycle company
  • The best way to structure and operate a state repair and recycle company
  • The role of local authorities in a state repair and recycle company
  • The potential impact of a state repair and recycle company on the environment and the economy

“A repair and recycle company could play a vital role in reusing precious metals in batteries. This would help to reduce our reliance on mining and make our battery supply chain more sustainable.

“Labour is committed to tackling the climate crisis and building a more sustainable future. Setting up a repair and recycle company is one way to achieve this goal.”

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