Urgent Government action required as court rules some chemicals in Irish water exceed EU safety levels

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
25 January 2024
  • Does Uisce Éireann have adequate resources?

Labour’s Climate Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan was today reacting to news that the European Court of Justice has declared that Ireland failed to meet obligations under an EU directive concerning safe drinking water.

Senator Moynihan said:

“The court’s ruling underscores the severe lapse in ensuring the well-being of Irish citizens, as Uisce Éireann fails to adopt necessary measures promptly.

“The European Court’s ruling should be a wake-up call to Government. The failure of Uisce Éireann to meet obligations under the EU directive on safe drinking water is not only a legal shortcoming but a threat to the health of our citizens. Government must address this with the urgency it deserves.

“The court’s decision points directly to Uisce Éireann’s failure in swiftly restoring the quality of drinking water. Despite the gravity of the situation and the potential health hazards it poses, the authorities have not acted ‘as quickly as possible,’ as mandated by the directive. Does Uisce Éireann possess the necessary resources to fulfil its duty to provide safe drinking water to the citizens of Ireland? The court’s ruling raises serious doubts about the adequacy of resources allocated to Uisce Éireann. We must assess and address these deficiencies immediately.

“Government cannot afford to delay in ensuring that Uisce Éireann has the resources required to rectify this alarming situation swiftly. I urge Government to take immediate steps to provide Uisce Éireann with the necessary resources and support to address this crisis. The health and safety of our citizens depend on decisive and swift action. It is our duty to ensure that every Irish person can trust the water they consume. Government must rise to this responsibility without delay.”

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