Government failing to ensure safe drinking water in Ireland

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
13 February 2024

Labour’s Climate Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has issued a stark warning following reports that Uisce Éireann is “taking advice” on warnings to over 220,000 people about the presence of toxic chemicals in their water supply. This delay in action is unacceptable and poses a grave threat to public health.

Senator Moynihan said, 

“The failure of Uisce Éireann to promptly inform citizens and implement contingency plans in response to the presence of toxic chemicals in our water supply is deeply concerning. The recent ruling by the European Court should serve as a wake-up call to the Government that urgent action is required to address this pressing issue.

“The European Court’s ruling not only highlights a legal shortcoming but underscores the imminent threat to the health and well-being of our citizens. It is imperative that the Government acknowledges the severity of the situation and allocates the necessary resources to Uisce Éireann to fulfil its obligations under the EU directive on safe drinking water.

“The people of Ireland deserve clean and safe water. It is the responsibility of the Government to ensure that this basic human right is upheld. The continued delay in addressing this issue is unacceptable and places the health of our citizens at risk.

“The Government must stop dragging its feet and take urgent action to protect our water systems. Uisce Éireann must be provided with the required resources and held accountable for delivering on its promises. It is time for action, not words, to ensure the safety and well-being of our citizens.”

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