Wholesale Electricity Price Drop must be passed on to EV Drivers

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
23 February 2024
  • Wholesale prices plummet, ESB EV costs soar.
  • Profits surge amidst rising consumer burden.

Labour’s climate Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan today called on ESB to pass on the drop in wholesale prices into the users of Irish electric vehicle (EV) networks

Senator Moynihan said
“Despite a substantial 38% drop in wholesale electricity prices in the year leading up to January, we have yet to see this passed onto consumers following price hikes in 2022.

“We must ensure that the benefits of cost reductions are passed on to consumers, rather than contributing to inflated profits for charging companies.

“As we move towards a greener and more sustainable future, it is imperative that the costs associated with electric vehicle ownership remain manageable and accessible to all. We cannot allow short-sighted profit motives to undermine our collective vision for a cleaner environment.

“It is essential that we prioritise affordability and accessibility in the transition to electric transportation. We have a responsibility to ensure that the benefits of environmental progress are felt by all members of society.”

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