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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Discrimination of cancer survivors completely outrageous

Labour health spokesperson, Duncan Smith has described the continued discrimination of cancer survivors by the insurance industry as completely outrageous. Speaking in response to reports in the Business Post of a sustained lobbying campaign by Insurance Ireland to delay legislation to stop insurance companies and banks from financially penalising cancer survivors, Deputy Smith said: “It…

06 February 2023

Apprenticeships key to unlocking housing crisis solutions

Labour Senator Mark Wall has called for the end to the exclusion of apprentices from minimum wage legislation to encourage more workers into crafts. In advance of a Labour Party motion on Thursday (February 7th) demanding emergency housing measures, Senator Wall said too many vacant and derelict homes remain unused and must be brought back…

Senator Mark Wall
05 February 2023

Following in the footsteps of Big Jim – speech delivered by Senator Marie Sherlock, February, 2023

Thank SIPTU for organising this today. We are here today to commemorate Big Jim Larkin, a man who arrived in Ireland in 1907, carrying with him only his basic belongings, a heart bursting with empathy and passion for his fellow working class and a brain armed with a deep understanding of the possibilities of socialism….

03 February 2023

Justice Minister must ensure widespread operation of speed cameras this Bank Holiday weekend

Labour transport spokesperson Duncan Smith has urged Minister Harris to ensure a widespread use of speed cameras across the country this Bank Holiday weekend. Following the worst January on Irish roads in a decade, Deputy Smith reiterated the importance of caution while driving. Deputy Smith said: “January 2023 has been a very dark month for…

03 February 2023

Labour calls for end to exclusion of apprentices from minimum wage

Apprentices key to solving housing crisis No worker should be paid less than minimum wage Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has demanded an end to the exclusion of apprentices from a statutory right to be paid minimum wage. Speaking at the 76th commemoration of the passing of trade union giant Jim Larkin, Senator Sherlock…

03 February 2023

Tanaiste must push for change within Defence Forces

Labour defence spokesperson Mark Wall has called on the Tánaiste and Minister for Defence to act fast to stamp out bully, harassment, sexual harassment and discrimination within the Defence Forces. As the Tánaiste considers the Independent Review Group’s report on Dignity and Equality Issues, Senator Wall said women within the Force must feel fully empowered…

Senator Mark Wall
03 February 2023

Without paid miscarriage leave women will remain disadvantaged in the workplace

Labour urges fast-tracking of its Organisation of Working Time Act (Reproductive Health Leave) Bill Labour leader Ivana Bacik has criticised Government for failing to act on Labour’s bill to provide up to 20 days paid leave for women who experience early miscarriage. As people across the country continue to share their stories of early pregnancy…

Ivana Bacik TD
03 February 2023

Labour calls for appointment of Special Minister with Responsibility for Housing Refugees

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has called on Government to appoint a Special Minister with Responsibility for Housing Refugees to the Housing Department. Questioning the Tanaiste in the Dáil today, Deputy Bacik said the information vacuum created by Government is being exploited by bad faith actors in local communities. Deputy Bacik said: “We…

Ivana Bacik TD
02 February 2023

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