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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Banning ads vital next step in ending problem gambling

Welcoming the appointment of a new CEO Designate of the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland Labour sports spokesperson Mark Wall said a ban on gambling ads is the most vital next step to protect problem gamblers. Senator Wall said: “I welcome the appointment of the new CEO Designate of the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland….

Senator Mark Wall
08 September 2022

Latest mortgage interest rate hike another body blow for hard pressed households

Mortgage interest rate cap needed now. Responding to reports that the households could face average repayment hikes of up to €900 a year due to further rises in mortgage interest rates, Labour finance spokesperson Ged Nash said the Government has no option but to support Labour’s legislation to cap mortgage interest rates in Ireland. Deputy…

08 September 2022

Wage support scheme needed to protect jobs this winter

Drogheda’s Premier Periclase plant ‘canary in coalmine’ as redundancy notices set to be issued Planned energy supports won’t be sufficient to stave off job losses in industry  Labour finance spokesperson Ged Nash has called today (Tuesday, 7th September) on the government to create a new short-term wage support scheme to help protect jobs and firms most at…

06 September 2022

Budget must address escalating student accommodation crisis

Labour spokesperson on Further and Higher Education, Senator Annie Hoey has today (Monday 5th September) said that the escalating student accommodation crisis and the soaring cost-of-living for students must be addressed in Budget 2023. Speaking following the publication of the Union of Students in Ireland (USI) pre-budget submission, Senator Hoey said: “The student accommodation crisis…

Senator Annie Hoey image
06 September 2022

A three-pronged approach needed to counter energy price hikes

Labour leader Ivana Bacik has today (Friday, 2nd September) said that the government must act urgently to tackle spiralling energy prices by introducing immediate price caps on energy bills, establishing a windfall tax on the excessive profits of energy and gas companies and increasing fuel allowance eligibility limits for people on low to middle incomes….

Ivana Bacik TD
02 September 2022

Accessible information a public good – Diminishing of Citizens Information Service must be stopped

Following the broadcasting of a Liveline programme today (Thursday, 1st September), during which the consolidation of the Citizens Information Service was discussed, Leader of the Labour Party and TD for Dublin Bay South Ivana Bacik has renewed her calls for a halt to the further diminishing of the service. Deputy Bacik said, “I am concerned…

Ivana Bacik TD
01 September 2022

All talk, no action from Minister Madigan on special school places

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has today (Wednesday, 1st September) written to the Minister of State for Special Education and Inclusion, Deputy Josepha Madigan seeking an emergency meeting with education spokespeople of all opposition parties to discuss the situation of school places for children with special educational needs. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The Milne…

01 September 2022

Striking journalists deserve respect and fair pay

Labour Party Senator and spokesperson for Employment Affairs, Marie Sherlock. has today (Wednesday, 31st August) said that management at Reach newspapers must respect its workers and negotiate with the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) on fair pay and conditions. Speaking at a solidarity action in support of over 1,150 striking journalists across Ireland and the…

31 August 2022

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