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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Government’s Right to Request Remote Working Bill is toothless

Responding to the publication this evening of the Government’s heads of bill on the right to request flexible working, Labour’s employment affairs spokesperson Marie Sherlock called the bill toothless and a real set back to any plans to promote flexible working in this country. Senator Sherlock said: “It is telling that of the 19 heads…

25 January 2022

Labour to request debate on Russian Ukrainian crisis

The Labour Party will write to the Business Committee requesting a Dáil debate on the crisis unfolding in Russia. Speaking today, Labour’s spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Brendan Howlin, said Ireland must take a clear stand against Russian naval maneuvers off our coast. Deputy Howlin said: “After weeks of diplomatic negotiations, there is a great expectation…

25 January 2022

Short sighted approach to flexible work set up to fail

Labour employment spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has warned that the Government is adopting a timid and short-sighted strategy on the future of work that is set up to fail workers. Senator Sherlock said: “The right to flexible work must not be confused with a blanket right to remote work on a full-time basis. Unfortunately, the…

25 January 2022

Right to remote work key to ending commuter chaos

Labour Transport spokesperson and Dublin Fingal TD Duncan Smith has today (Monday 24th January) said the right to remote working is key to ending commuter chaos, rejuvenating our towns and villages, cutting climate emissions and reducing the cost of living for workers.   Deputy Smith said:  “As businesses across the country set about calling their staff…

24 January 2022

‘For Profit’ community services don’t work says Sherlock

Labour TD for Cork East and Spokesperson on Social Protection, Community and Rural Development Seán Sherlock has today (24th January) expressed serious concerns over reports that a US multinational is actively expressing interest in providing local employment services in Ireland. Deputy Sherlock said: “The focus on local employment services should never be on the financial…

Seán Sherlock TD
24 January 2022

Tánaiste must guarantee a right to flexible work and avoid back to office free for all

Labour employment spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has tonight demanded that the Tánaiste Leo Varadkar immediately publishes legislation that guarantees workers the right to flexible work and avoid a back to office free for all. Speaking in advance of workplaces reopening across the country next week, Senator Sherlock said: “We have been inundated with calls over…

23 January 2022

Nash questions government’s commitment to transparency and reform as Benefacts wound up

Labour’s Public Expenditure and Reform spokesperson, Ged Nash, has today said that the Government’s decision to discontinue funding to the data analytics company Benefacts raises serious questions about this Government’s commitment to transparency and reform in the wider public service.  The social enterprise was established in 2014 as a non-profit company to transform the transparency…

23 January 2022

Covid bonus must be extended to low paid private sector workers

Labour Party Spokesperson for Employment, Senator Marie Sherlock has today said the Government must do all they can to ensure frontline workers in the private sector are not excluded from any Covid dividend paid in recognition of our collective efforts to keep Ireland going throughout the pandemic. Senator Sherlock said: “While the Labour Party broadly welcome…

19 January 2022

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