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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Greater clarity still needed on vaccination programme

Responding to the announcement tonight from the Taoiseach, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said that with a path forward announced on the lifting of restrictions, it is vital that the government provide greater transparency about the vaccination programme. Deputy Kelly said: “While the Taoiseach has announced a timetable of measures that will relax some restrictions…

30 March 2021

No one should have to choose between their wages and their health – we need Sick Pay for All now

Marking six months since the Government’s decision to delay Labour’s sick pay proposals, Labour’s spokesperson on Employment Affairs Senator Marie Sherlock said:  “The Labour Party brought forward a bill last September for statutory paid sick leave. Unfortunately, the Government voted to delay our bill for six months and this has left a continuing fundamental weakness…

30 March 2021

Beefed-Up Financial Ombudsman Needed to Stop the Rot Within Financial Services Sector

Financial Services & Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) crucial to promoting much-needed accountability and trust in the Irish financial sector FSPO should be well-resourced and have sharp teeth to tackling financial malpractice, especially in wake of Covid-19 challenges Labour finance spokesperson Ged Nash has welcomed today’s report from the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) and their…

30 March 2021

Any conversation on collective bargaining rights is welcome but Government’s motives have to be questioned

A review on collective bargaining underway will start important conversations said Labour Employment spokesperson Marie Sherlock, but questioned the motives of such a review if there is no commitment from the government to improvements. Senator Sherlock said: “Ireland stands apart from most other EU member states in not having a right to be recognised for…

30 March 2021

‘Our Rural Future’ cannot become another false dawn

Mostly a repackaging of already flagged proposals and plans. No new financial commitments beyond examining proposals. Responding to the publication today of ‘Our Rural Future’, Labour spokesperson Seán Sherlock said that it must not become a false dawn like the 2017 Action Plan on Rural Development, and that crucial to its delivery will be high…

Seán Sherlock TD
29 March 2021

Only 1 extra HSA inspector hired since Govt formed reveals Sherlock

No extra HSA inspectors hired in second half of 2020. Only one Inspector hired so far in 2021, another two due by April. 802 Covid related complaints so far in 2021. Labour Employment spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has said she is very concerned at the failure to increase the number of Health and Safety Authority…

28 March 2021

Accountability still needed for Beacon

Will NTPF and outsourcing work given to the Beacon by reconsidered while CEO remains in place? Labour Party leader Alan Kelly, responding to the belated but welcome decision of the Health Minister to suspend vaccinations at the Beacon, and comments from the Taoiseach, said: “The Taoiseach and the Minister for Health have failed again to…

27 March 2021

Constructive engagement on Labour Citizenship Bill Born Here Belong Here Campaign

At 2pm today, Friday 26th March 2021, the ‘Committee Stage’ debate on Labour’s Irish Nationality and Citizenship (Naturalisation of Minors Born in Ireland) Bill 2018 was adjourned without a vote following agreement with Minister for Justice Helen McEntee and her officials on the implementation of certain elements of the Bill. Speaking after the adjournment of…

Ivana Bacik TD
26 March 2021

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