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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Investment in primary care vital to future of our health service

Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith said government must prepare for the changing population and adapt Ireland’s health service to care for people at all stages of life. With the ESRI projecting the need for an increased workforce in the health service, Deputy Smith said the recruitment crisis cannot continue. Deputy Smith said: “Every member of…

26 July 2022

Devastating report shows it’s time for free education

Responding to the annual Barnardos survey on back to school costs, Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said it’s time to make education genuinely free. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “It’s time for a step change from this government and see movement to making education genuinely free. From the Barnardos report, it’s clear that the increase…

26 July 2022

Statement on the death of David Trimble

Labour Party Leader Ivana Bacik TD has paid tribute to the legacy of David Trimble, and extended her sympathies to his family, friends and colleagues in the Ulster Unionist party. Deputy Bacik said: “David Trimble made a lasting contribution to peace on our island, at great personal and political risk. His legacy is the peace…

Ivana Bacik TD
25 July 2022

Government must take the lead and provide pay rises for squeezed workers

Government sitting on Low Pay Commission recommendation on minimum wage  Report must be published now and rise introduced in October, not January  Labour finance spokesperson Ged Nash has said both private and public sector workers need an immediate and significant pay rise to combat the cost of living crisis. Responding to Bank of Ireland’s Economic…

25 July 2022

Government must become activist shareholder in AIB

Relationship Framework signed after the bailout must be changed Labour Finance spokesperson Ged Nash TD has said that the AIB branch cuts debacle has exposed the government’s vacuous ‘passive shareholder’ approach to the management and the direction of the majority State-owned bank. Deputy Nash said: “Unless the government’s approach fundamentally changes, this won’t be the…

22 July 2022

Loss of 55 pre-school places in Stoneybatter in September – Government cannot stand back and just let this happen

Senator Marie Sherlock has said the Government cannot just stand by and allow the loss of 55 pre-school places in one community from this September. “Dublin 7 already has a major shortage of early years provision and this September, there will be a shocking loss of 55 pre-school places in just Stoneybatter alone. Within the…

22 July 2022

Failure of Department of Health to pay Covid bonus is beyond insulting

Labour health and disability spokesperson Duncan Smith has today (Friday, 22nd July) said that the Department of Health must emerge from the shadows, take responsibility and pay tens of thousands of frontline health workers still waiting on a pandemic recognition payment. Deputy Smith said: “The fact that the Department of Health has not paid the…

22 July 2022

Time for a sense of urgency in Ireland’s response to climate emergency

Commenting on the report of the Environmental Protection Agency that Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions rose by 4.7% last year, Labour Leader Ivana Bacik TD has called for more urgency in Ireland’s national response to the climate emergency. Deputy Bacik said: “The Environmental Protection Agency has today reported that Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions rose by almost…

Ivana Bacik TD
21 July 2022

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