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Budget18 lacks vision for third level education

Labour Party spokesperson on Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said that this year’s budget exposes a total lack of vision for the third level sector. Senator Ó Ríordáin commented: “This Budget illustrates Fine Gael/Independent Alliance’s poverty of vision for free education. Nowhere is this more evident than in third level funding. “In a budget…

11 October 2017

Howlin concerned at reports Ireland may lose bid for European agencies

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has expressed his concern at reports that Ireland will not win either of its campaigns to lure the European Banking Authority or the European Medicines Authority to Ireland.  Deputy Howlin commented: “While the more cynical among us might suggest there was an attempt to bury this story on a busy…

Labour Admin

10 October 2017

Reliance on private sector for housing a recipe for failure- O’Sullivan

Commenting on today’s Housing Budget proposals, Labour spokesperson on Housing, Deputy Jan O’Sullivan said: “It seems particularly poignant that on World Homeless Day, the Government has not actually committed to any increase in capital spending on housing next year. “In his Budget speech today, Minister Donohue simply reiterated the previous Housing Minister Simon Coveney’s existing…

Labour Admin

10 October 2017

Budget 2018: Much Ado About Nothing

Speech by Joan Burton TD in response to Budget 2018 Introduction The Minister might well have looked to Shakespeare’s plays to provide him with a title for his address today.  ‘As You Like It’ would, I guess, be his first choice, a nice romantic tale to please the punters, something, however small, for everyone in…

Labour Admin

10 October 2017

Sláintecare dead in the water after Budget 2018

Labour Party Health spokesperson Alan Kelly has said that Budget 2018 has left Sláintecare dead in the water. Deputy Kelly said: “Following months of work, a 10 year fully costed plan to implement a publicly funded healthcare was published in May with cross party support. There was no mention of Sláintecare in the Budget today…

10 October 2017

Where is the extra money for Disabilities in Budget 2018

Labour spokesperson on Children & Youth Affairs Seán Sherlock TD has demanded Minister for Disabilities Finian McGrath to account for funding of his brief in Budget 2018. No additional funding has been provided for assessment of needs or access to emergency respite. Deputy Sherlock said: “There’s no additional money for emergency respite accommodation and no…

Seán Sherlock TD
10 October 2017

Young people need to be able to access mental health services more easily

Speaking on World Mental Health Day, Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has said that the Government must do more to ensure that mental health services are rolled out to young people across the country. Deputy Howlin said: “Statistics from Pieta House show us that 1 in 7 Irish adults have experienced a mental health issue…

Labour Admin

10 October 2017

Education taking a back seat in Budget 2018

With less than 24 hours to go to Budget 2018, Labour Party spokesperson for Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said that the lack of discussion on education funding highlights the failure of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil to make investment in our children’s future a priority. Labour’s Alternative Education budget proposals outlined a fully…

09 October 2017

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