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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Oireachtas Health Committee should convene hearings on fatal foetal abnormalities

Oireachtas health committee should convene hearings on fatal foetal abnormalities Labour Women, Labour Equality and Labour Youth are calling on the government to convene hearings of the Oireachtas health committee on the issue of fatal foetal abnormalities. Commenting Labour Women chair Sinead Ahern said ‘The Labour Party position on this issue is clear, last year…

Labour Women
07 July 2016

Govt water charge amendments unlikely to fool eu commission

I have genuine concerns about government amendments to the Water Services Amendment Bill 2016, that will give the minister power to unilaterally extend both the term of the suspension of water charges and the lifespan of the Water Commission. There is little doubt but that these amendments could result in our exposure to daily fines,…

Labour Admin

06 July 2016

Naughten plans will give whip hand to private sector in rural broadband delivery

The proposed “private sector ownership model” being brought forward by Minister for Communications Denis Naughten is being touted as the cheapest and quickest way to deliver broadband to rural areas however history shows this type of plan to be deeply flawed. Similar plans in the past have caused major long-term difficulties as they leave control…

Seán Sherlock TD
05 July 2016

Stagg calls for additional home care packages for dementia sufferers in budget 2017

Having attended the Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland’s Pre-Budget Submission launch, Labour Spokesperson for Older People Emmet Stagg has called for support for the Society’s request for an increased allocation of €67m in the 2017 Budget to provide additional Home Care Packages for citizens suffering from dementia. Emmet Stagg said: “There are now some 55,000 people…

Labour Admin

05 July 2016

Time for banks to restore tracker mortgages

A recent report by Charlie Weston in the Irish Independent that banks in some instances are refusing to restore tracker mortgages to customers who had them wrongly removed, highlights the need for the authorities to take a harder line with financial institutions. Banks have cheated thousands of customers out of their tracker mortgages, and their…

Labour Admin

03 July 2016

Has Minister Varadkar rowed back on paternity leave for September Dads?

Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys has asked Social Protection Minister Leo Varadkar to clarify when the new paternity leave scheme will come into force. Senator Humphreys said “The previous Labour –Fine Gael government introduced two weeks paid paternity leave for the first time under Budget 2016. It was expected to come into force in September and…

Labour Admin

03 July 2016

Gangland crime is casting a pall over our city

The shooting dead of a man yesterday in Bridgefoot Street who was a resident of Cabra is another gangland killing in the Inner City in the growing saga of such crimes. This killing may or may not be related to the recent feud which caused the deaths of seven people from the North Inner City…

Labour Admin

02 July 2016

Sinn Fein must provide clarity on their American millions

I read with interest in the Irish Times today, that Sinn Fein has raised $354,111 in America in the six months to the end of April, for political activities. This brings to over $12,000,000, the amount that the party has raised in the US since 1995. By the way, this includes money donated by Donald…

Labour Admin

01 July 2016

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