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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Justice must give more detail on proposed Garda powers

Howlin seeking detail briefing from Minister for Justice. Bill will be rushed through Dáil on Wednesday and Thursday. No detail provided yet on plan to make private gatherings of more than six an offence. With plans to rush new Covid-19 enforcement powers through the Dáil next week, Labour Justice spokesperson Brendan Howlin has sought a…

Labour Admin

28 August 2020

Serial testing regime in meat factories and in Direct Provison welcome but overdue

The announcement that serial testing will commence for food processing or meat plants with a staff of over 50 and in Direct Provision is welcome but overdue according to the Labour Representative on the Covid-19 Response Committee, Duncan Smith T.D. Deputy Smith said: “Labour have been consistently calling for testing and tracing to be ramped…

27 August 2020

Government must move immediately to fill Commission vacancy

Resignation of Commissioner Hogan welcome but overdue. Critical Commission post must be filled immediately by Government. Nominee must be of the highest calibre at critical time for Ireland. Responding to the resignation of Commissioner Phil Hogan this evening Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said: “I welcome the decision of Phil Hogan to resign from the…

26 August 2020

Government need to set out a roadmap for air travel

The Government need to set out a roadmap for air travel according to the Labour Representative on the Oireachtas Covid-19 Response Committee, Duncan Smith T.D   Deputy Smith said:   “As Labour Transport Spokesperson and as a Deputy who represents an airport constituency, I am acutely aware of the difficulties faced by airport workers. The…

26 August 2020

Not too late to drop school profiling from Leaving Cert grading model

On Monday, the Taoiseach was not able to clarify what changes are planned to Leaving Cert results model. On Tuesday night, the Minister for Education said the model was being refined but provided no detail. Labour wants school profiling dropped and estimated school grades also provided to students on 7th September. With less than two…

26 August 2020

Minister needs to address funding shortfall caused by fewer international students

The Minister for Further and Higher Education needs to address the funding shortfall that will be caused by any reduction in the number of non-EU international students coming to Ireland to study due to the Covid-19 crisis according to Labour Higher Education Spokesperson, Senator Annie Hoey. Senator Hoey said: “Non- EU International students have been…

Senator Annie Hoey image
26 August 2020

New Agriculture Minister needed after outbreaks at ABP plants

Essential to restore confidence to farming communities With 22 cases of Covid-19 confirmed at an ABP meat plant in Cahir, and further cases at a plant in Clones, Labour spokepserson on Agriculture and the Marine, Seán Sherlock said it was essential that the Dáil be recalled this week and a new Minister appointed. Deputy Sherlock…

Seán Sherlock TD
26 August 2020

Government needs to honour commitment to establish Defence Forces Commission

The Government needs to honour the commitment within the Programme for Government to establish a Commission to examine the Defence Forces and in particular the pay and conditions within the forces according to Labour Defence Spokesperson, Senator Mark Wall. Senator Wall was speaking after it was revealed that personnel are leaving the Naval Service to…

25 August 2020

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