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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Stoneybatter loses 105 pre-school places in 12 months due to Government failure

Reacting to the news that Stoneybatter is to lose 44 pre-school places, after the loss of 61 places in the same area last year, Labour Senator Marie Sherlock said it is an appalling example of a lack of joined up thinking in Government. Senator Sherlock said: “Between June 2022 and June 2023, the Stoneybatter area…

16 May 2023

Shameful attacks on asylum seekers in Dublin

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has condemned attacks on asylum seekers over the weekend. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “What we saw over the weekend was appalling. To see a small number of far-right activist take the actions they did was nothing short of outrageous. All these people living in tents want is to work,…

15 May 2023

Labour calls for economic forum of the left

Bacik calls on leaders and finance spokespersons from parties of the left and the environmental movement to engage in a new forum Speaking at the annual James Connolly commemoration today (Sunday, May 14th), Labour leader Ivana Bacik has called on all parties of the left and environmental movement to join in a forum to debate…

Ivana Bacik TD
14 May 2023

Labour calls for playing fields in each local authority

Labour sports spokesperson Mark Wall has called on Government to introduce playing fields in each local authority municipality. Senator Wall said: “There is an urgent need for local authorities to identify land in every town plan throughout the country in respect of sports facilities. More and more sports clubs are coming to the maximum amount…

Senator Mark Wall
12 May 2023

Rental crisis a ticking time bomb for old and young

Raising the Alone and Threshold report published today (Double Deficit: Older and Ageing Persons in the Irish Private Rental Sector), which shows that 40% of elderly people renting in the private market now expect to rent for the rest of their lives, Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has accused the Government of hardening…

Ivana Bacik TD
11 May 2023

Statement following meeting of Retail Forum

Labour’s spokesperson on finance, Deputy Ged Nash TD, has accused the government of being “all mouth and no trousers” when it comes to tackling inflated prices at the supermarket checkout, in the wake of today’s meeting of the Retail Forum. Deputy Nash said: “I said earlier this week that we needed a clear list of…

10 May 2023

Windfall receipts is historic chance to transform our society and environment

Labour Party Finance spokesperson Ged Nash has said the windfall corporation taxes generated in Ireland represents an historic, once-off opportunity to transform our society and environment. Deputy Nash said: “We welcome the scoping report published by the Minister for Finance. The history of the Irish State is scarred by the experience of boom and bust….

10 May 2023

Homeless Families Bill crucial to protect children

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has demanded Government action on child homelessness. Questioning the Taoiseach in the Dáil today, Deputy Bacik said: “In 2017, Jan O’Sullivan published a bill to ensure that families at risk of homelessness are protected by the State, the Housing (Homeless Families) Bill. This would require local authorities to…

Ivana Bacik TD
09 May 2023

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