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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Government must step in to guarantee Aer Lingus jobs and routes in Cork and Shannon

The Government must step in to guarantee Aer Lingus jobs and routes in Cork and Shannon according to Labour Transport Spokesperson Duncan Smith. Deputy Smith was speaking after it was revealed that Aer Lingus are considering compulsory redundancies and reviewing operations by closing their bases at Cork and Shannon due to losses incurred by the…

31 July 2020

Smoky coal ban should be extended to all towns in Tipperary

Labour Party Leader and Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD has said the Government can no longer continue to ignore the benefits of banning smoky coal in towns across Tipperary. Deputy Kelly said: “A commitment was made in 2015 to implement a nationwide ban on smoky coal in 2016, yet only towns with a population of…

31 July 2020

Supreme Court Judgement finds 2017 climate plan is inadequate

The Supreme Court Judgement quashing the 2017 National Mitigation Plan for Climate Change highlights the lack of specific commitments in the plan according to Labour Spokesperson on Climate Action, Communication Networks and Transport, Duncan Smith TD Deputy Smith said:  “The Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Bill 2015 was brought through the Oireachtas by Alan…

31 July 2020

Statement on death of Colm Ó Briain former General Secretary of the Labour Party

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly has expressed his sadness on the death of former General Secretary of the Labour Party Colm Ó Briain who had a distinguished career in the arts, media and politics. Deputy Kelly said: “We are saddened to learn of the death of our comrade Colm Ó Briain. On behalf of the…

31 July 2020

Dáil Reform ended tonight as Government took back control

new Taoiseach committed to end Government control of Dáil in 2016 but has now reversed the reforms he once sought. Labour Party whip Duncan Smith responding to the return of a majoritarian approach to the ordering of Dáil business by the three party coalition government said: “New politics died tonight. The Government has taken back…

30 July 2020

Massive concerns remain for workers in meat factories

Massive concerns remain for workers in meat factories according to Labour Senator Annie Hoey who has described as extremely worrying reports that the significant rise in Covid-19 cases announced today are linked to an outbreak of the virus at a meat factory in Naas, Co. Kildare, where two workers who tested positive were residents at…

Senator Annie Hoey image
30 July 2020

Dáil needs to be recalled to rectify PUP foul up

The Dáil needs to be recalled in order to deal with a foul up in relation to the Pandemic Unemployment Payment according to Labour Spokesperson on Enterprise, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. Deputy Ó Ríordáin was speaking after it was revealed that a number of people have had their PUP cut from the higher rate of €350…

30 July 2020

Children in Ireland are being “failed” by the State

The Labour Party’s Seanad group leader and party Spokesperson on Children, Disability, Equality & Integration has highlighted what she describes as the State’s “failure” in its duty of care to children, following the publication of HSE figures on special needs assessment waiting times. Speaking about waiting times for special needs assessments, Senator Bacik said: “The…

Ivana Bacik TD
30 July 2020

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