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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Action must be taken on drug injection centres

Labour spokesperson on Health Promotion and Drugs Strategy, Councillor Martina Genockey, has broadly welcomed the National Drugs Strategy but said Minister Catherine Byrne must accelerate efforts on drug injection centres. Commenting on the National Drugs Strategy, Cllr Genockey said: “I broadly welcome the positive measures included in the National Drugs Strategy that wish to include…

Labour Admin

17 July 2017

Government must outline plans to reduce class sizes

Labour Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called on the Government to outline how it plans to reduce primary school class sizes. It comes after figures from the Department of Education show that nearly 120 thousand primary school children remain in classes of at least 30 pupils. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “In 2016, Labour…

17 July 2017

City Council should focus on building homes rather than grand plans

Labour spokesperson on Community Affairs, Cllr Andrew Montague, has said that Dublin City Council should focus on delivering new social housing, both rapid build, and new schemes, rather than engaging in grand plans for regenerating the entire housing stock. Cllr Montague, who is Chair of the City Council’s Planning Committee was responding to reports in…

Labour Admin

17 July 2017

Dáil speech by Willie Penrose on the second stage of the Social Welfare and Pensions Bill

I am glad to have the opportunity to contribute to the debate on the Social Welfare, Pensions and Civil Registration Bill 2017.  I congratulate the Minister, Deputy Regina Doherty, on her elevation.  I have no doubt but that she will be ambitious in the role.  I think she will do a good job.  She is…

Labour Admin

14 July 2017

More facilities needed on the ground for mental health

Speaking on the Mental Health (Amendment) Bill, Labour Party spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD, raised concerns about the level of resources being provided to A Vision for Change. “I congratulate Deputy Browne and his party on this Bill, which is a very good Bill. I do not believe in “new politics” but this is…

14 July 2017

Dail committee should have considered Operation Sophia motion

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has expressed his concern at the limited debate on the Defence motion under the triple lock, seeking Dáil approval for Irish participation in Operation Sophia. There has not been adequate consideration of this military operation. Proposals to refer the subject for deeper consideration at committee were blocked by Fine Gael…

Labour Admin

13 July 2017

Refreshed Frontbench unveiled by Howlin

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin today announced the refreshed Labour frontbench, incorporating those who have been selected as general election candidates, while giving each Labour Senator the responsibility of shadowing the work of a full Cabinet Minister. Speaking at the announcement, he said: “For the last year, we have done the hard work of rebuilding…

Labour Admin

13 July 2017

Bacik welcomes renewed Government commitment on pension equality

Senator Ivana Bacik today welcomed the commitment given by Minister for Social Protection Regina Doherty that the government will introduce an amendment at Committee stage to the Social Welfare, Pensions and Civil Registration Bill 2017, published this week, to fulfil the provisions contained in Head 14 of the General Scheme of Social Welfare and Pensions…

Ivana Bacik TD
13 July 2017

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