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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Taoiseach must stand up for Ireland’s national interest

Responding to today’s speech by British Prime Minister, Theresa May, Labour Leader Brendan Howlin called on the Taoiseach to stand up for Ireland’s national interest. Deputy Howlin said: “Following the purposefully destructive amendments to the UK’s Trade Bill tabled by Brexiteer MPs, the middle ground for a compromise on the Irish border is rapidly disappearing….

Labour Admin

20 July 2018

A real strategy is needed to deliver social and affordable housing

Jan O’Sullivan TD, Labour Party spokesperson on Housing, Planning and Local Government. commented today that “Various commentators have concluded that Rebuilding Ireland is failing. Labour agrees. But what matters is putting forward a real strategy to deliver social and affordable housing, so that everyone in society can afford a decent home.” She continued: “The problem…

Labour Admin

20 July 2018

Labour LGBT welcomes gender recognition report

Labour LGBT welcomes the recommendations of the Gender Recognition Review Report, with its emphasis on equality and self-determination. Co-chair of Labour LGBT Karl Hayden said: “The report is important to young trans, non-binary and intersex people but also includes useful suggestions that could make life easier for all age groups. We call for the recommendations…

19 July 2018

Exhibition celebrates the lives of revolutionary women

Commenting on the launch of the exhibition ‘Votes for Women: Suffrage and Citizenship’ today, Chairperson of the Vótáil 100 Committee, Labour Senator Ivana Bacik encouraged young people to visit the exhibition and to celebrate the work of women who fought for suffrage. “As Chairperson of the Vótáil 100 Committee organising the Oireachtas celebrations around the…

Ivana Bacik TD
19 July 2018

Extending HPV vaccine to boys is necessary

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has backed the Irish Cancer Society’s call to extend the HPV vaccine to teenage boys.  Deputy Kelly said: “Earlier this year, the Dáil passed my motion to fully back the current HPV vaccine programme and to extend this initiative to teenage boys. “The Labour Party has been leading…

19 July 2018

We need to show leadership on waste reduction

Labour Party Environment spokesperson, Senator Ivana Bacik, has called on the Government to ban non-compostable coffee cups in tandem with introducing the latte levy. This comes as a Recycling List Ireland report has found that 200 million coffee cups are thrown away in Ireland every year. Senator Bacik commented: “The report published today by Recycling…

Ivana Bacik TD
19 July 2018

Minimum wage must be transformed to a real living wage

Labour spokesperson on Employment Affairs & Social Protection, Senator Ged Nash, has said that that the National Minimum Wage must be transformed to a real Living Wage of €11.90 per hour. Senator Nash said: “Today, the Low Pay Commission has published a report recommending that the National Minimum Wage goes up to €9.80 per hour…

18 July 2018

Facebook Dispatches proves need for Digital Safety Commissioner

Labour Party Justice and Children and Youth Affairs spokesperson, Seán Sherlock TD has urged the Government to reconsider its decision not to appoint a Digital Safety Commissioner in light of the Channel 4 Dispatches programme on Facebook activities. Deputy Sherlock said: “The Government has decided that social media companies should be allowed to continue in…

Seán Sherlock TD
18 July 2018

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