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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Affordable homes urgently needed to help tackle housing crisis

Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said the Government cannot rely on the private sector to provide homes that are genuinely affordable for people on normal incomes. It comes as new figures in today’s Irish Independent show that one in four workers is now being priced out of buying a home in the…

Labour Admin

16 April 2018

FF giving Government free pass on school building

Commenting on today’s new schools announcement, Labour spokesperson on Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, said: “While welcoming today’s announcement of 42 new schools, some of which will benefit the communities in Dublin Bay North, questions remain about the hundreds of schools around the country who are actively seeking badly needed refurbishments. “Fianna Fáil’s apparent concern…

13 April 2018

Schools waiting for refurbishments shouldn’t be pushed to the back of the queue

Labour Finance spokesperson, Joan Burton TD, has called on the Minister for Education to explain whether plans for new schools will impact existing school refurbishment projects, and whether extra capital has been provided to fund the new builds. Deputy Burton commented: “While welcoming the objective of today’s announcement- the provision of new schools that are…

Labour Admin

13 April 2018

Government accused of tolerating bogus self-employment fraud

Labour Senator Ged Nash has accused the government of tolerating high levels of bogus self-employment which he says represents nothing but the perpetration of a mass fraud on the State. The Labour Party spokesperson on Employment Affairs & Social Protection was speaking to delegates at the Forsa trade union Services & Enterprise division conference taking…

12 April 2018

Minister Bruton needs to rule out student loan schemes

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said that the Minister for Education, Richard Bruton, needs to rule out student loan schemes. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “The Government has been sitting on the report carried out by Peter Cassells into the future of higher education funding for months now. Three options were laid…

12 April 2018

Playing pitches across the country in danger because of Bord Pleanála decision

Labour Party representative for Dublin Bay North, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has warned that An Bord Pleanála has put many playing pitches across the country in danger with their recent granting of planning permission to build homes on St.Anne’s Park.  Senator Ó Riordáin said: “The decision of An Bord Pleanála on April 3rd, to grant…

11 April 2018

Banks must be compelled to engage with Mortgage to Rent Scheme

With Central Bank figures showing over 14,000 households in long term arrears and at risk of repossession, Labour spokesperson on Finance Joan Burton has said it is essential that banks engage pro-actively with the mortgage to rent scheme as figures show only 318 cases in total have been completed by the end of March. Deputy…

Labour Admin

11 April 2018

Small donors show strength of grassroots support for Yes campaign

Labour Party Equality spokesperson, Deirdre Kingston, has congratulated Together For Yes for exceeding their own fundraising targets three times in twenty four hours saying that the huge organic response shows the strength of grassroots support for the campaign. Councillor Kingston said: “In the last 24 hours, Together For Yes and over eight thousand kind and…

Labour Admin

11 April 2018

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